باد آتش میخورد از امر حق ** هر دو سر مست آمدند از خمر حق
- By the command of God the wind devours (extinguishes) fire: both are drunken with the wine of God.
آب حلم و آتش خشم ای پسر ** هم ز حق بینی چو بگشایی بصر
- O son, when you open your eyes you will see that from God too are the water of clemency and the fire of anger.
گر نبودی واقف از حق جان باد ** فرق کی کردی میان قوم عاد
- Had not the soul of the wind been informed by God, how would it have distinguished (the believers and unbelievers) amongst the people of ‘Ád?
قصهی باد که در عهد هود علیه السلام قوم عاد را هلاک کرد
- The story of the wind which destroyed the people of ‘Ád in the time of (the prophet) Húd, on whom be peace.
هود گرد مومنان خطی کشید ** نرم میشد باد کانجا میرسید
- Húd drew a line round the believers: the wind would become soft (subside) when it reached that place,
هر که بیرون بود ز آن خط جمله را ** پاره پاره میگسست اندر هوا 855
- (Although) it was dashing to pieces in the air all who were outside of the line.
همچنین شیبان راعی میکشید ** گرد بر گرد رمه خطی پدید
- Likewise Shaybán the shepherd used to draw a visible line round his flock
چون به جمعه میشد او وقت نماز ** تا نیارد گرگ آن جا ترک تاز
- Whenever he went to the Friday service at prayer-time, in order that the wolf might not raid and ravage there:
هیچ گرگی در نرفتی اندر آن ** گوسفندی هم نگشتی ز آن نشان
- No wolf would go into that (circle), nor would any sheep stray beyond that mark;
باد حرص گرگ و حرص گوسفند ** دایرهی مرد خدا را بود بند
- The wind of the wolf's and sheeps' concupiscence was barred because of (by) the circle of the man of God.
همچنین باد اجل با عارفان ** نرم و خوش همچون نسیم یوسفان 860
- Even so, to those who know God (‘árifán) the wind of Death is soft and pleasant as the breeze (that wafts the scent) of (loved) ones like Joseph.