ناصحان را دست بست و بند کرد ** ظلم را پیوند در پیوند کرد
- He handcuffed the counsellors and confined them, he committed one injustice after another.
بانگ آمد کار چون اینجا رسید ** پای دار ای سگ که قهر ما رسید
- When the matter reached this pass, a shout came—“Hold thy foot (stop), O cur! For Our vengeance is come.”
بعد از آن آتش چهل گز بر فروخت ** حلقه گشت و آن جهودان را بسوخت
- After that, the fire blazed up forty ells high, became a ring, and consumed those Jews.
اصل ایشان بود آتش ابتدا ** سوی اصل خویش رفتند انتها
- From fire was their origin in the beginning: they went (back) to their origin in the end.
هم ز آتش زاده بودند آن فریق ** جزوها را سوی کل باشد طریق 875
- That company were born of fire: the way of particulars is towards the universal.
آتشی بودند مومن سوز و بس ** سوخت خود را آتش ایشان چو خس
- They were only a fire to consume the true believers: their fire consumed itself like rubbish.
آن که بوده ست امه الهاویه ** هاویه آمد مر او را زاویه
- He whose mother is Háwiya (Hell-fire)—Háwiya shall become his cell (abode).
مادر فرزند جویان وی است ** اصلها مر فرعها را در پی است
- The mother of the child is (always) seeking it: the fundamentals pursue the derivatives.
آب اندر حوض اگر زندانی است ** باد نشفش میکند کار کانی است
- If water is imprisoned in a tank, the wind sucks it up, for it (the wind) belongs to the original (source):
میرهاند میبرد تا معدنش ** اندک اندک تا نبینی بردنش 880
- It sets it free, it wafts it away to its source, little by little, so that you do not see its wafting;