گفت آری گر توکل رهبر است ** این سبب هم سنت پیغمبر است
“Yes,” he said; “(but) if trust in God is the (true) guide, (yet use of) the means too is the Prophet's rule (Sunna).
گفت پیغمبر به آواز بلند ** با توکل زانوی اشتر ببند
The Prophet said with a loud voice, ‘While trusting in God bind the knee of thy camel.’
رمز الکاسب حبیب الله شنو ** از توکل در سبب کاهل مشو
Hearken to the signification of ‘The earner (worker) is beloved of God’: through trusting in God do not become neglectful as to the (ways and) means.”
ترجیح نهادن نخجیران توکل را بر اجتهاد
How the beasts preferred trust in God to exertion.
قوم گفتندش که کسب از ضعف خلق ** لقمهی تزویر دان بر قدر حلق915
The party (of beasts) answered him, saying, “Regard acquisition (work), arising from the infirmity of (God's) creatures, as a mouthful of deceit proportionate to the size of the gullet.
نیست کسبی از توکل خوبتر ** چیست از تسلیم خود محبوبتر
There is no work better than trust in God: what, indeed, is dearer (to God) than resignation?
بس گریزند از بلا سوی بلا ** بس جهند از مار سوی اژدها
Often do they flee from affliction (only) to (fall into) affliction; often do they recoil from the snake (only) to (meet with) the dragon.
حیله کرد انسان و حیلهش دام بود ** آن که جان پنداشت خون آشام بود
Man devised (something), and his device was a snare (wherein he was trapped): that which he thought to be life was (actually) the drainer of his blood (his destroyer).
در ببست و دشمن اندر خانه بود ** حیلهی فرعون زین افسانه بود
He locked the door while the foe was in the house: the plot of Pharaoh was a story of this sort.
صد هزاران طفل کشت آن کینه کش ** و آن که او میجست اندر خانهاش920
That vengeful man slew hundreds of thousands of babes, while the one he was searching after was in his (Pharaoh's) house.
دیدهی ما چون بسی علت در اوست ** رو فنا کن دید خود در دید دوست
Since in our eyesight (foresight) there is much defect, go, let your own sight pass away (faná) in the sight of the Friend (God).