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  • گفت آری گر توکل رهبر است ** این سبب هم سنت پیغمبر است‌‌
  • “Yes,” he said; “(but) if trust in God is the (true) guide, (yet use of) the means too is the Prophet's rule (Sunna).
  • گفت پیغمبر به آواز بلند ** با توکل زانوی اشتر ببند
  • The Prophet said with a loud voice, ‘While trusting in God bind the knee of thy camel.’
  • رمز الکاسب حبیب الله شنو ** از توکل در سبب کاهل مشو
  • Hearken to the signification of ‘The earner (worker) is beloved of God’: through trusting in God do not become neglectful as to the (ways and) means.”
  • ترجیح نهادن نخجیران توکل را بر اجتهاد
  • How the beasts preferred trust in God to exertion.
  • قوم گفتندش که کسب از ضعف خلق ** لقمه‌‌ی تزویر دان بر قدر حلق‌‌ 915
  • The party (of beasts) answered him, saying, “Regard acquisition (work), arising from the infirmity of (God's) creatures, as a mouthful of deceit proportionate to the size of the gullet.
  • نیست کسبی از توکل خوبتر ** چیست از تسلیم خود محبوبتر
  • There is no work better than trust in God: what, indeed, is dearer (to God) than resignation?
  • بس گریزند از بلا سوی بلا ** بس جهند از مار سوی اژدها
  • Often do they flee from affliction (only) to (fall into) affliction; often do they recoil from the snake (only) to (meet with) the dragon.
  • حیله کرد انسان و حیله‌‌ش دام بود ** آن که جان پنداشت خون آشام بود
  • Man devised (something), and his device was a snare (wherein he was trapped): that which he thought to be life was (actually) the drainer of his blood (his destroyer).
  • در ببست و دشمن اندر خانه بود ** حیله‌‌ی فرعون زین افسانه بود
  • He locked the door while the foe was in the house: the plot of Pharaoh was a story of this sort.
  • صد هزاران طفل کشت آن کینه کش ** و آن که او می‌‌جست اندر خانه‌‌اش‌‌ 920
  • That vengeful man slew hundreds of thousands of babes, while the one he was searching after was in his (Pharaoh's) house.
  • دیده‌‌ی ما چون بسی علت در اوست ** رو فنا کن دید خود در دید دوست‌‌
  • Since in our eyesight (foresight) there is much defect, go, let your own sight pass away (faná) in the sight of the Friend (God).