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  • پس اشارتهای اسرارت دهد ** بار بر دارد ز تو کارت دهد 935
  • Then He will give you hints (for the understanding) of mysteries, He will remove the burden from you and give you (spiritual) authority.
  • حاملی محمول گرداند ترا ** قابلی مقبول گرداند ترا
  • Do you bear (His burden)? He will cause you to be borne (aloft). Do you receive (His commands)? He will cause you to be received (into His favour).
  • قابل امر ویی قایل شوی ** وصل جویی بعد از آن واصل شوی‌‌
  • If you accept His command, you will become the spokesman (thereof); if you seek union (with Him), thereafter you will become united.
  • سعی شکر نعمتش قدرت بود ** جبر تو انکار آن نعمت بود
  • Freewill is the endeavour to thank (God) for His beneficence: your necessitarianism is the denial of that beneficence.
  • شکر قدرت قدرتت افزون کند ** جبر نعمت از کفت بیرون کند
  • Thanksgiving for the power (of acting freely) increases your power; necessitarianism takes the (Divine) gift (of freewill) out of your hand.
  • جبر تو خفتن بود در ره مخسب ** تا نبینی آن در و درگه مخسب‌‌ 940
  • Your necessitarianism is (like) sleeping on the road: do not sleep! Sleep not, until you see the gate and the threshold!
  • هان مخسب ای جبری بی‌‌اعتبار ** جز به زیر آن درخت میوه‌‌دار
  • Beware! do not sleep, O inconsiderate sluggard, save underneath that fruit-laden tree,
  • تا که شاخ افشان کند هر لحظه باد ** بر سر خفته بریزد نقل و زاد
  • So that every moment the wind may shake the boughs and shower upon the sleeper (spiritual) dessert and provision for the journey.
  • جبر و خفتن در میان ره زنان ** مرغ بی‌‌هنگام کی یابد امان‌‌
  • (How absurd) to be a necessitarian and sleep amidst highwaymen! How should the untimely bird receive quarter?
  • ور اشارتهاش را بینی زنی ** مرد پنداری و چون بینی زنی‌‌
  • And if you turn up your nose at His signs, you deem (yourself) a man, but when you consider (more deeply), you are (only) a woman.