خویشتن نشناخت مسکین آدمی ** از فزونی آمد و شد در کمی 1000
- Wretched Man does not know himself: he has come from a high estate and fallen into lowlihood.
خویشتن را آدمی ارزان فروخت ** بود اطلس خویش بر دلقی بدوخت
- Man has sold himself cheaply: he was satin, he has sewn himself on (become attached) to a tattered cloak.
صد هزاران مار و که حیران اوست ** او چرا حیران شدست و ماردوست
- Hundreds of thousands of snakes and mountains are amazed at him: why (then) has he become amazed and fond of a snake?
مارگیر آن اژدها را بر گرفت ** سوی بغداد آمد از بهر شگفت
- The snake-catcher took up that snake and came to Baghdád for the sake of (exciting) astonishment.
اژدهایی چون ستون خانهای ** میکشیدش از پی دانگانهای
- In quest of a paltry fee he carried along a dragon like the pillar of a house,
کاژدهای مردهای آوردهام ** در شکارش من جگرها خوردهام 1005
- Saying, “I have brought a dead dragon: I have suffered agonies in hunting it.”
او همی مرده گمان بردش ولیک ** زنده بود و او ندیدش نیک نیک
- He thought it was dead, but it was living, and he did not see it very well.
او ز سرماها و برف افسرده بود ** زنده بود و شکل مرده مینمود
- It was frozen by frosts and snow: it was alive, but it presented the appearance of the dead.
عالم افسردست و نام او جماد ** جامد افسرده بود ای اوستاد
- The world is frozen: its name is jamád (inanimate): jámid is (means) “frozen,” O master.
باش تا خورشید حشر آید عیان ** تا ببینی جنبش جسم جهان
- Wait till the sun of the Resurrection shall become manifest, that thou mayst see the movement of the world's body.