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  • چه خیالست این که این چرخ نگون ** از نهیب این خیالی شد کنون
  • What fancy is this, from terror of which this inverted sphere (the sky) has now become (as insubstantial as) a phantom?
  • گرزها و تیغها محسوس شد ** پیش بیمار و سرش منکوس شد
  • To the sick man the maces and swords became perceptible (visible), and his head dropped down.
  • او همی‌بیند که آن از بهر اوست ** چشم دشمن بسته زان و چشم دوست
  • He sees that that (vision) is for his sake: the eye of foe and friend (alike) is barred from it.
  • حرص دنیا رفت و چشمش تیز شد ** چشم او روشن گه خون‌ریز شد 120
  • Worldly greed vanished, his eye became keen: his eye became illumined at the moment of bloodshed (death).
  • مرغ بی‌هنگام شد آن چشم او ** از نتیجه‌ی کبر او و خشم او
  • That eye of his, from the result of his pride and his anger, became (like) the cock that crows unseasonably.
  • سر بریدن واجب آید مرغ را ** کو بغیر وقت جنباند درا
  • It is necessary to cut off the head of the bird that rings the bell (crows) at the wrong time.
  • هر زمان نزعیست جزو جانت را ** بنگر اندر نزع جان ایمانت را
  • At every moment thy particular spirit is struggling with death: in thy spirit's death-struggle look to thy faith!
  • عمر تو مانند همیان زرست ** روز و شب مانند دینار اشمرست
  • Thy life is like a purse of gold: day and night are like him who counts the gold coins (the money-changer).
  • می‌شمارد می‌دهد زر بی وقوف ** تا که خالی گردد و آید خسوف 125
  • He (Time) counts and gives the gold without stopping, until it (the purse) is emptied and there comes the eclipse (death).
  • گر ز که بستانی و ننهی بجای ** اندر آید کوه زان دادن ز پای
  • If you take away from a mountain and do not put (anything) in the place (of what you have taken), the mountain will be demolished by that giving.