For through being the neighbour of the seekers thou (thyself) wilt become a seeker, and from the shadows (protection) of the conquerors thou (thyself) wilt become a conqueror.
گر یکی موری سلیمانی بجست ** منگر اندر جستن او سست سست
If an ant has sought (to attain) the rank of Solomon, do not look languidly (contemptuously) on its quest.
هرچه داری تو ز مال و پیشهای ** نه طلب بود اول و اندیشهای
Everything that thou hast of wealth and (skill in) a handicraft (or profession)— was it not at first a quest and a thought?
حکایت آن شخص کی در عهد داود شب و روز دعا میکرد کی مرا روزی حلال ده بی رنج
Story of the person who in the time of David, on whom be peace, used to pray night and day, crying, “Give me a lawful livelihood without trouble (on my part).”
آن یکی در عهد داوود نبی ** نزد هر دانا و پیش هر غبی1450
In the time of the prophet David a certain man, beside every sage and before every simpleton,
این دعا میکرد دایم کای خدا ** ثروتی بی رنج روزی کن مرا
Used always to utter this prayer: “O God, bestow on me riches without trouble!