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  • پس چرا آمن شوی بر رای دل ** عهد بندی تا شوی آخر خجل 1645
  • Why, then, will you trust in the heart’s resolution and make a covenant, that in the end you should be shamed?
  • این هم از تاثیر حکمست و قدر ** چاه می‌بیینی و نتوانی حذر
  • This too is from the effect of the(Divine) ordinance and decree, (that) you see the pit and cannot take precaution.
  • نیست خود ازمرغ پران این عجب ** که نبیند دام و افتد در عطب
  • ‘Tis no wonder, indeed, for the flying bird not to see the snare (and so) fall into destruction;
  • این عجب که دام بیند هم وتد ** گر بخواهد ور نخواهد می‌فتد
  • The wonder is that it should see both the snare and the net-pin and fall (into the snare) willy-nilly.
  • چشم باز و گوش باز و دام پیش ** سوی دامی می‌پرد با پر خویش
  • (With) eye open and ear open and the snare in front, it is flying towards a snare with its own wings.
  • تشبیه بند و دام قضا به صورت پنهان به اثر پیدا
  • A comparison (showing that) the bonds and snares of Destiny, though outwardly invisible, are manifest in their effects.
  • بینی اندر دلق مهتر زاده‌ای ** سر برهنه در بلا افتاده‌ای 1650
  • You may see a nobleman’s son in a tattered cloak, bareheaded, fallen into affliction.
  • در هوای نابکاری سوخته ** اقمشه و املاک خود بفروخته
  • (He is) consumed with passion for some ne’er-do-well, (he has) sold his furniture and properties.
  • خان و مان رفته شده بدنام و خوار ** کام دشمن می‌رود ادبیروار
  • His household (is) gone, (he has) become ill-famed and despised; he walks along like (one in) misfortune, to the joy of his foes.
  • زاهدی بیند بگوید ای کیا ** همتی می‌دار از بهر خدا
  • (If) he sees an ascetic, he will say, “O venerable sir, bestow on me a benediction for God’s sake,
  • کاندرین ادبار زشت افتاده‌ام ** مال و زر و نعمت از کف داده‌ام
  • For I have fallen into this ugly misfortune and have let wealth and gold and happiness go from my hand.