ظالم از مظلوم کی داند کسی ** کو بود سخرهی هوا همچون خسی
How should one that is subject, like a straw, to (the wind of) sensuality know the oppressor from the oppressed?
ظالم از مظلوم آنکس پی برد ** کو سر نفس ظلوم خود برد2435
He that cuts off the head of his wicked self—he (alone) finds the way to (discriminating) the oppressor from the oppressed.
ورنه آن ظالم که نفس است از درون ** خصم هر مظلوم باشد از جنون
Otherwise, that oppressor, which is the fleshly soul within (us), (being moved) by frenzy, is the adversary of every oppressed person.
سگ هماره حمله بر مسکین کند ** تا تواند زخم بر مسکین زند
A dog always attacks the poor; so far as it can, it inflicts wounds upon the poor.
شرم شیران راست نه سگ را بدان ** که نگیرد صید از همسایگان
Know that lions feel shame, (but) not dogs, because he (the lion) does not prey on his neighbours.
عامهی مظلومکش ظالمپرست ** از کمین سگشان سوی داود جست
The mob, which slays the oppressed and worships the oppressor—their dog (carnal soul) sprang forth from ambush (and rushed) towards David.
روی در داود کردند آن فریق ** کای نبی مجتبی بر ما شفیق2440
That party (of the people) turned their faces to David, saying, “O chosen prophet, who hast compassion on us,
این نشاید از تو کین ظلمیست فاش ** قهر کردی بیگناهی را بلاش
This is unworthy of thee, for this is a manifest injustice: thou hast abased an innocent man for naught.”
عزم کردن داود علیه السلام به خواندن خلق بدان صحرا کی راز آشکارا کند و حجتها را همه قطع کند
How David, on whom be peace, resolved to summon the people to a certain plain, in older that he might disclose the mystery and make an end of all arguments.
گفت ای یاران زمان آن رسید ** کان سر مکتوم او گردد پدید
He said, “O friends, the time has come that his hidden secret should he displayed.
جمله برخیزید تا بیرون رویم ** تا بر آن سر نهان واقف شویم
Arise,all(of you), that we may go forth, so that we may be come acquainted with that hidden secret.