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  • عور می‌ترسد که دامانش برند ** دامن مرد برهنه چون درند
  • The naked man is afraid that his skirt will be cut off: how should they (any one) cut off the skirt of a naked man?
  • مرد دنیا مفلس است و ترسناک ** هیچ او را نیست از دزدانش باک
  • The worldly man is destitute and terrified: he possesses nothing, (yet) he has dread of thieves.
  • او برهنه آمد و عریان رود ** وز غم دزدش جگر خون می‌شود
  • Bare he came and naked he goes, and (all the while) his heart is bleeding with anxiety on account of the thief
  • وقت مرگش که بود صد نوحه بیش ** خنده آید جانش را زین ترس خویش
  • At the hour of death when a hundred lamentations are (being made) beside him, his spirit begins to laugh at its own fear.
  • آن زمان داند غنی کش نیست زر ** هم ذکی داند که او بد بی‌هنر 2635
  • At that moment the rich man knows that he has no gold; the keen-witted man, too, knows that he is devoid of talent.
  • چون کنار کودکی پر از سفال ** کو بر آن لرزان بود چون رب مال
  • (’Tis) like (as when) a child's lap (is) filled with potsherds, for he (the child) is trembling for them, like the owner of riches.
  • گر ستانی پاره‌ای گریان شود ** پاره گر بازش دهی خندان شود
  • If you take a piece away, he begins to weep; and if you give the piece back to him, he begins to laugh.
  • چون نباشد طفل را دانش دثار ** گریه و خنده‌ش ندارد اعتبار
  • Since the child is not endued with knowledge, his weeping and laughter have no importance.
  • محتشم چون عاریت را ملک دید ** پس بر آن مال دروغین می‌طپید
  • Inasmuch as the magnate regarded that which is (only) a loan as (his) property, he was quivering (with anxiety) for that false wealth.
  • خواب می‌بیند که او را هست مال ** ترسد از دزدی که برباید جوال 2640
  • He dreams that he has wealth and is afraid of the thief who may carry off his sack (of gold).