چونک زد خرطوم پیل آن شب درآب ** مضطرب شد آب ومه کرد اضطراب 2750
- When on that night the elephant put his trunk in the water, the water was disturbed, and the Moon showed disturbance.
پیل باور کرد از وی آن خطاب ** چون درون چشمه مه کرد اضطراب
- The elephant believed that speech of his (the hare's), when the Moon in the spring showed disturbance.
مانه زان پیلان گولیم ای گروه ** که اضطراب ماه آردمان شکوه
- O company (of prophets), we are not (to be reckoned) among those stupid elephants who are terrified by the disturbance of the Moon.”
انبیا گفتند آوه پند جان ** سختتر کرد ای سفیهان بندتان
- The prophets said, “Ah, (our) spiritual admonition has (only) made your (carnal) bondage more grievous, O ye fools!
جواب گفتن انبیا طعن ایشان را و مثل زدن ایشان را
- How the prophets answered their sneers and uttered parables unto them.
ای دریغا که دوا در رنجتان ** گشت زهر قهر جان آهنجتان
- Oh, alas that in (the case of) your disease the remedy has become for you the poison of soul-wringing (Divine) vengeance.
ظلمت افزود این چراغ آن چشم را ** چون خدا بگماشت پردهی خشم را 2755
- This lamp (of spiritual admonition) has increased the darkness of that (diseased) eye, since God has set (over it) the veil of wrath.
چه رئیسی جست خواهیم از شما ** که ریاستمان فزونست از سما
- What dominion shall we crave from you? for our dominion is greater than the sky.”
چه شرف یابد ز کشتی بحر در ** خاصه کشتیی ز سرگین گشته پر
- What glory should the sea of pearls acquire from the ship— especially a ship that has been filled with dung?
ای دریغ آن دیدهی کور و کبود ** آفتابی اندرو ذره نمود
- Oh, alas for that eye blind and blear! Therein a sun seemed as (insignificant as) a mote.
ز آدمی که بود بی مثل و ندید ** دیده ابلیس جز طینی ندید
- In an Adam who was without like or equal the eye of Iblís discerned naught but a piece of clay.