انبیا گفتند نومیدی بدست ** فضل و رحمتهای باری بیحدست
The prophets said, “Despair is wicked: the grace and the mercies of the Creator are infinite.
از چنین محسن نشاید ناامید ** دست در فتراک این رحمت زنید
’Tis not proper to despair of such a Benefactor: cling to the saddle-strap of this Mercy.
ای بسا کارا که اول صعب گشت ** بعد از آن بگشاده شد سختی گذشت
Oh, many a plight became hard in the beginning, (but) afterwards it was relieved, and the hardship passed away.
بعد نومیدی بسی اومیدهاست ** از پس ظلمت بسی خورشیدهاست2925
After despair there are many hopes; after darkness there are many suns.
خود گرفتم که شما سنگین شدیت ** قفلها بر گوش و بر دل بر زدیت
I grant indeed that ye have become stony and have put locks upon your ears and hearts;
هیچ ما را با قبولی کار نیست ** کار ما تسلیم و فرمان کردنیست
(But) we have naught to do with any acceptance (on your part): our business is to resign ourselves (to God) and fulfil His command.
او بفرمودستمان این بندگی ** نیست ما را از خود این گویندگی
He hath commanded us (to perform) this service: we have not this office of proclaimer (prophetship) from ourselves.
جان برای امر او داریم ما ** گر به ریگی گوید او کاریم ما
We possess life (only) for the purpose of (executing) the command of God: if He bid us (sow) in a tract of sand, we sow.
غیر حق جان نبی را یار نیست ** با قبول و رد خلقش کار نیست2930
The prophet's soul hath no friend except God: he hath naught to do with the acceptance or rejection of (his message by) the people.
مزد تبلیغ رسالاتش ازوست ** زشت و دشمنرو شدیم از بهر دوست
The reward for delivering His messages comes from Him (God): we have become hateful and wear the aspect of enemies (to the people) for the Beloved's sake.