وانگهی بنمودشان یک روز هم ** که به تن باز آمد ارواح از عدم2940
And (only) then did it seem to them one day even, when their spirits came back from non-existence into their bodies.
چون نباشد روز و شب یا ماه و سال ** کی بود سیری و پیری و ملال
When there is no day and night and month and year, how should there be satiety and old age and weariness?
در گلستان عدم چون بیخودیست ** مستی از سغراق لطف ایزدیست
Since there is (for us) selflessness in the rose-garden of non-existence, there is (for us) intoxication caused by the goblet of Divine grace.
لم یذق لم یدر هر کس کو نخورد ** کی بوهم آرد جعل انفاس ورد
Any one that has not drunk (thereof is in the same case as those to whom the saying, ‘Whoso) has not tasted does not know’ (is applicable): how should the dung-beetle conceive the (fragrant) breaths of the rose?
نیست موهوم ار بدی موهوم آن ** همچو موهومان شدی معدوم آن
It is not conceivable: if it were conceivable, it would become non-existent, like (all) objects of conception.
دوزخ اندر وهم چون آرد بهشت ** هیچ تابد روی خوب از خوک زشت2945
How should Hell conceive Paradise? Does a beauteous face shine (forth) at all from an ugly pig?
هین گلوی خود مبر هان ای مهان ** اینچنین لقمه رسیده تا دهان
Hark, do not cut your own throat! Take heed, O despicable one, (when) such a morsel as this has reached your mouth.
راههای صعب پایان بردهایم ** ره بر اهل خویش آسان کردهایم
We have brought the hard ways to an end; we have made the way easy for our own people.”
مکرر کردن قوم اعتراض ترجیه بر انبیا علیهمالسلام
How the people (of Sabá) repeated their resistance to the (prophets') hope (of converting them and set themselves) against the prophets, on whom be peace.
قوم گفتند از شما سعد خودیت ** نحس مایید و ضدیت و مرتدیت
The people (of Sabá) said, “If ye bring good luck to yourselves, ye are ill-starred for us and are opposed (to us) and rejected (by us).
جان ما فارغ بد از اندیشهها ** در غم افکندید ما را و عنا
Our souls were free from cares: ye have cast us into grief and trouble.