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  • وانگهی بنمودشان یک روز هم ** که به تن باز آمد ارواح از عدم 2940
  • And (only) then did it seem to them one day even, when their spirits came back from non-existence into their bodies.
  • چون نباشد روز و شب یا ماه و سال ** کی بود سیری و پیری و ملال
  • When there is no day and night and month and year, how should there be satiety and old age and weariness?
  • در گلستان عدم چون بی‌خودیست ** مستی از سغراق لطف ایزدیست
  • Since there is (for us) selflessness in the rose-garden of non-existence, there is (for us) intoxication caused by the goblet of Divine grace.
  • لم یذق لم یدر هر کس کو نخورد ** کی بوهم آرد جعل انفاس ورد
  • Any one that has not drunk (thereof is in the same case as those to whom the saying, ‘Whoso) has not tasted does not know’ (is applicable): how should the dung-beetle conceive the (fragrant) breaths of the rose?
  • نیست موهوم ار بدی موهوم آن ** همچو موهومان شدی معدوم آن
  • It is not conceivable: if it were conceivable, it would become non-existent, like (all) objects of conception.
  • دوزخ اندر وهم چون آرد بهشت ** هیچ تابد روی خوب از خوک زشت 2945
  • How should Hell conceive Paradise? Does a beauteous face shine (forth) at all from an ugly pig?
  • هین گلوی خود مبر هان ای مهان ** این‌چنین لقمه رسیده تا دهان
  • Hark, do not cut your own throat! Take heed, O despicable one, (when) such a morsel as this has reached your mouth.
  • راههای صعب پایان برده‌ایم ** ره بر اهل خویش آسان کرده‌ایم
  • We have brought the hard ways to an end; we have made the way easy for our own people.”
  • مکرر کردن قوم اعتراض ترجیه بر انبیا علیهم‌السلام
  • How the people (of Sabá) repeated their resistance to the (prophets') hope (of converting them and set themselves) against the prophets, on whom be peace.
  • قوم گفتند از شما سعد خودیت ** نحس مایید و ضدیت و مرتدیت
  • The people (of Sabá) said, “If ye bring good luck to yourselves, ye are ill-starred for us and are opposed (to us) and rejected (by us).
  • جان ما فارغ بد از اندیشه‌ها ** در غم افکندید ما را و عنا
  • Our souls were free from cares: ye have cast us into grief and trouble.