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  • گفت آخر مسجد اندر کس نماند ** کیت وا می‌دارد آنجا کت نشاند
  • He (the master) said, “Why, there is no one left in the mosque. Who is detaining you there? Who has made you sit (fast)?”
  • گفت آنک بسته‌استت از برون ** بسته است او هم مرا در اندرون
  • He (Sunqur) said, “He who has chained thee outside (of the mosque) has chained me too inside (of it).
  • آنک نگذارد ترا کایی درون ** می‌بنگذارد مرا کایم برون
  • He who will not let thee come in will not let me come out.
  • آنک نگذارد کزین سو پا نهی ** او بدین سو بست پای این رهی 3070
  • He who will not let thee set foot in this direction has chained the foot of this slave (so that it cannot move) in this (opposite) direction.”
  • ماهیان را بحر نگذارد برون ** خاکیان را بحر نگذارد درون
  • The sea does not let the fish out; the sea does not let the creatures of earth in.
  • اصل ماهی آب و حیوان از گلست ** حیله و تدبیر اینجا باطلست
  • Water is the original home of the fish, and the (gross) animal is of the earth: here device and contrivance are of no avail.
  • قفل زفتست و گشاینده خدا ** دست در تسلیم زن واندر رضا
  • Strong is the lock (of Divine destiny), and the (only) opener is God: cling to resignation and acquiescence (in God's will).
  • ذره ذره گر شود مفتاحها ** این گشایش نیست جز از کبریا
  • Though the atoms, one by one, should become keys, (yet) this opening is not (effected) save by the Divine Majesty.
  • چون فراموشت شود تدبیر خویش ** یابی آن بخت جوان از پیر خویش 3075
  • When you forget your own contrivance, you will gain that young (happy) fortune from your spiritual Guide.
  • چون فراموش خودی یادت کنند ** بنده گشتی آنگه آزادت کنند
  • When you are forgetful of self, you are remembered (by God): (when) you have become a slave (to Him), then you are set free.
  • نومید شدن انبیا از قبول و پذیرای منکران قوله حتی اذا استیاس الرسل
  • How the prophets lost hope of being accepted and approved by the unbelievers, as God hath said: “Until, when the (Divine) Messengers despaired…”