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  • جان شو و از راه جان جان را شناس ** یار بینش شو نه فرزند قیاس
  • Become spirit and know spirit by means of spirit: become the friend of vision (clairvoyant), not the child of ratiocination.
  • چون ملک با عقل یک سررشته‌اند ** بهر حکمت را دو صورت گشته‌اند
  • Forasmuch as the Angel is one in origin with Intelligence, (and) they have (only) become two (different) forms for the sake of (the Divine) Wisdom—
  • آن ملک چون مرغ بال و پر گرفت ** وین خرد بگذاشت پر و فر گرفت
  • The Angel assumed wings and pinions like a bird, while this Intelligence left wings (behind) and assumed (immaterial) splendour—
  • لاجرم هر دو مناصر آمدند ** هر دو خوش رو پشت همدیگر شدند 3195
  • Necessarily both became co-adjutors: both the beauteous ones became a support to one another.
  • هم ملک هم عقل حق را واجدی ** هر دو آدم را معین و ساجدی
  • The Angel as well as the Intelligence is a finder of God: each of the twain is a helper and worshipper of Adam.
  • نفس و شیطان بوده ز اول واحدی ** بوده آدم را عدو و حاسدی
  • The Flesh (nafs) and the Devil have (also) been (essentially) one from the first, and have been an enemy and envier of Adam.
  • آنک آدم را بدن دید او رمید ** و آنک نور متمن دید او خمید
  • He that regarded Adam as a body fled (from him in disdain), while he that regarded (him as) the trusty Light bowed (in worship).
  • آن دو دیده‌روشنان بودند ازین ** وین دو را دیده ندیده غیر طین
  • Those two (the Angel and the Intelligence) were (made) clairvoyant by this (Adam), while the eye of these two (the Flesh and the Devil) saw nothing but clay.
  • این بیان اکنون چو خر بر یخ بماند ** چون نشاید بر جهود انجیل خواند 3200
  • This discourse is now left (floundering) like an ass on the ice, since it is not fitting to recite the Gospel to Jews.
  • کی توان با شیعه گفتن از عمر ** کی توان بربط زدن در پیش کر
  • How can one speak of ‘Umar to Shí‘ites? How can one play a lute before the deaf?