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  • کو غنی است و جز او جمله فقیر ** کی فقیری بی عوض گوید که گیر
  • For He is rich, while all except Him are poor: how should a poor man say “Take” without compensation?
  • تا نبیند کودکی که سیب هست ** او پیاز گنده را ندهد ز دست 3355
  • Till a child sees that the apple is there, it will not give up from its hand the stinking onion.
  • این همه بازار بهر این غرض ** بر دکانها شسته بر بوی عوض
  • All these market-folk, for the sake of this (worldly) object, are seated on the benches (in the shops) in the hope of (receiving) compensation:
  • صد متاع خوب عرضه می‌کنند ** واندرون دل عوضها می‌تنند
  • They offer a hundred fine articles of merchandise, and within their hearts they are intent on compensations.
  • یک سلامی نشنوی ای مرد دین ** که نگیرد آخرت آن آستین
  • O man of the (true) Religion, you will not hear a single salaam (blessing) whereof the end will not pluck your sleeve (and demand something of you).
  • بی طمع نشنیده‌ام از خاص و عام ** من سلامی ای برادر والسلام
  • I have never heard a disinterested salaam from high or low, O brother—and (I give) the salaam (to thee)—
  • جز سلام حق هین آن را بجو ** خانه خانه جا بجا و کو بکو 3360
  • Except the salaam of God. Come, seek that (salaam) from house to house, from place to place, and from street to street!
  • از دهان آدمی خوش‌مشام ** هم پیام حق شنودم هم سلام
  • From the mouth of the man who has a good scent (for spiritual things) I heard both the message and the salaam of God;
  • وین سلام باقیان بر بوی آن ** من همی‌نوشم به دل خوشتر ز جان
  • And in the hope of that (salaam) I am listening with my heart to the salaams of (all) the rest (as though they were) sweeter than life.
  • زان سلام او سلام حق شدست ** کتش اندر دودمان خود زدست
  • His (the saint's) salaam has become the salaam of God because he has set fire to the household of self.