غفلت از تن بود چون تن روح شد ** بیند او اسرار را بی هیچ بد
- Heedlessness was (derived) from the body: when the body has become spirit, it inevitably beholds the mysteries (of the Unseen).
چون زمین برخاست از جو فلک ** نه شب و نه سایه باشد نه دلک
- When the earth is removed from the celestial atmosphere, there is neither night nor shade nor sunset.
هر کجا سایهست و شب یا سایگه ** از زمین باشد نه از افلاک و مه
- Wherever shade and night or shadowy place exist, ’tis (caused) by the earth, not by the heavens and the moon.
دود پیوسته هم از هیزم بود ** نه ز آتشهای مستنجم بود
- Likewise, ’tis from the faggots that the smoke always arises, not from the resplendent fires.
وهم افتد در خطا و در غلط ** عقل باشد در اصابتها فقط 3570
- The imagination falls into error and mistake; the intellect is (engaged) only in acts of true perception.
هر گرانی و کسل خود از تنست ** جان ز خفت جمله در پریدنست
- Every state of heaviness (sloth) and indolence, indeed, is (derived) from the body; the spirit, from its lightness (subtlety), is all on the wing.
روی سرخ از غلبه خونها بود ** روی زرد از جنبش صفرا بود
- The face is red from the predominance of blood; the face is yellow from the movement (action) of the yellow bile.
رو سپید از قوت بلغم بود ** باشد از سودا که رو ادهم بود
- The face is white from the power of the phlegm; ’tis from the black bile that the face is swarthy.
در حقیقت خالق آثار اوست ** لیک جز علت نبیند اهل پوست
- In reality He (God) is the creator of effects, but followers of the husk (formalists) see nothing but the (secondary) cause.
مغز کو از پوستها آواره نیست ** از طبیب و علت او را چاره نیست 3575
- The kernel (intellect) that is not separated from the husks has no means (of escape) from doctor and disease;