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  • دود پیوسته هم از هیزم بود ** نه ز آتشهای مستنجم بود
  • Likewise, ’tis from the faggots that the smoke always arises, not from the resplendent fires.
  • وهم افتد در خطا و در غلط ** عقل باشد در اصابتها فقط 3570
  • The imagination falls into error and mistake; the intellect is (engaged) only in acts of true perception.
  • هر گرانی و کسل خود از تنست ** جان ز خفت جمله در پریدنست
  • Every state of heaviness (sloth) and indolence, indeed, is (derived) from the body; the spirit, from its lightness (subtlety), is all on the wing.
  • روی سرخ از غلبه خونها بود ** روی زرد از جنبش صفرا بود
  • The face is red from the predominance of blood; the face is yellow from the movement (action) of the yellow bile.
  • رو سپید از قوت بلغم بود ** باشد از سودا که رو ادهم بود
  • The face is white from the power of the phlegm; ’tis from the black bile that the face is swarthy.
  • در حقیقت خالق آثار اوست ** لیک جز علت نبیند اهل پوست
  • In reality He (God) is the creator of effects, but followers of the husk (formalists) see nothing but the (secondary) cause.
  • مغز کو از پوستها آواره نیست ** از طبیب و علت او را چاره نیست 3575
  • The kernel (intellect) that is not separated from the husks has no means (of escape) from doctor and disease;
  • چون دوم بار آدمی‌زاده بزاد ** پای خود بر فرق علتها نهاد
  • (But) when a son of man is born twice, he plants his foot upon the head of (all) causes:
  • علت اولی نباشد دین او ** علت جزوی ندارد کین او
  • The First Cause is not his religion; the particular (secondary) cause has no enmity against him (does him no harm).
  • می‌پرد چون آفتاب اندر افق ** با عروس صدق و صورت چون تتق
  • He flies, like the sun, in the (spiritual) horizon with the bride, sincerity; and (material) form (is) as a veil (for him).