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  • تاب حرص از کار دنیا چون برفت ** فحم باشد مانده از اخگر بتفت
  • (But) when the glow of greed is gone from worldly work, of the red-hot coal (only) the black ashes are left.
  • کودکان را حرص می‌آرد غرار ** تا شوند از ذوق دل دامن‌سوار
  • Folly excites greed (for amusement) in children, so that from gleefulness of heart they ride a cock-horse
  • چون ز کودک رفت آن حرص بدش ** بر دگر اطفال خنده آیدش
  • When that evil greed of his is gone from the child, he begins to laugh at the other children,
  • که چه می‌کردم چه می‌دیدم درین ** خل ز عکس حرص بنمود انگبین 1135
  • Saying, “What was I doing? What was I seeing in this?” From the reflexion of greed the vinegar appeared to be honey.
  • آن بنای انبیا بی حرص بود ** زان چنان پیوسته رونقها فزود
  • That edifice of the prophets was (raised) without greed (self- interest); hence the splendours (of its renown) increased so uninterruptedly.
  • ای بسا مسجد بر آورده کرام ** لیک نبود مسجد اقصاش نام
  • Oh, many a mosque have the noble (prophets) erected, but “the Farther mosque” is not its name.
  • کعبه را که هر دمی عزی فزود ** آن ز اخلاصات ابراهیم بود
  • The grandeur which at every moment accrued to the Ka’ba— that (grandeur) was (derived) from the acts done in pure de voti on by Abraham.
  • فضل آن مسجد خاک و سنگ نیست ** لیک در بناش حرص و جنگ نیست
  • The excellence of that mosque (which the prophets build) is not from earth and stone, but (because) there is no greed or enmity in its builder.
  • نه کتبشان مثل کتب دیگران ** نی مساجدشان نی کسب وخان و مان 1140
  • Their Books are not as the books of others, nor their mosques nor their means of livelihood nor their houses and homes,
  • نه ادبشان نه غضبشان نه نکال ** نه نعاس و نه قیاس و نه مقال
  • Nor their observance of respect nor their anger nor their chastisement nor their slumber nor their reasoning nor their discourse.