ای بسا مسجد بر آورده کرام ** لیک نبود مسجد اقصاش نام
- Oh, many a mosque have the noble (prophets) erected, but “the Farther mosque” is not its name.
کعبه را که هر دمی عزی فزود ** آن ز اخلاصات ابراهیم بود
- The grandeur which at every moment accrued to the Ka’ba— that (grandeur) was (derived) from the acts done in pure de voti on by Abraham.
فضل آن مسجد خاک و سنگ نیست ** لیک در بناش حرص و جنگ نیست
- The excellence of that mosque (which the prophets build) is not from earth and stone, but (because) there is no greed or enmity in its builder.
نه کتبشان مثل کتب دیگران ** نی مساجدشان نی کسب وخان و مان 1140
- Their Books are not as the books of others, nor their mosques nor their means of livelihood nor their houses and homes,
نه ادبشان نه غضبشان نه نکال ** نه نعاس و نه قیاس و نه مقال
- Nor their observance of respect nor their anger nor their chastisement nor their slumber nor their reasoning nor their discourse.
هر یکیشان را یکی فری دگر ** مرغ جانشان طایر از پری دگر
- To each one of them belongs a different glory: (in each of them) the bird, their spirit, flies with a different wing.
دل همی لرزد ز ذکر حالشان ** قبلهی افعال ما افعالشان
- The heart is trembling at mention of their (high) estate: their actions are the qibla (to which we turn for guidance) of our actions.
مرغشان را بیضهها زرین بدست ** نیمشب جانشان سحرگه بین شدست
- The eggs laid by their bird (spirit) are golden: at midnight their spirit hath beheld the dawn.
هر چه گویم من به جان نیکوی قوم ** نقص گفتم گشته ناقصگوی قوم 1145
- Whatsoever I say with (all) my soul in praise of the company (of the prophets), I have depreciated (them): I have become a disparager of the company.
مسجد اقصی بسازید ای کرام ** که سلیمان باز آمد والسلام
- O ye noble. (seekers of God), build “the Farther Mosque,” for Solomon hath returned—and peace (be with you)!