The colour is Thy colour: Thou art my dyer, Thou art the origin of my sin and bane and brand.”
هین بخوان رب بما اغویتنی ** تا نگردی جبری و کژ کم تنی
Beware! Recite (the text) because Thou hast seduced me, in order that you may not become a necessitarian and may not weave untruth.
بر درخت جبر تا کی بر جهی ** اختیار خویش را یکسو نهی
How long will you leap up the tree of necessitarianism and lay your free-will aside,
همچو آن ابلیس و ذریات او ** با خدا در جنگ و اندر گفت و گو1395
Like that Iblís and his progeny, (engaged) in battle and argument with God?
چون بود اکراه با چندان خوشی ** که تو در عصیان همی دامن کشی
How should there be compulsion when you are trailing your skirt (sweeping along) into sin with such complacence?
آنچنان خوش کس رود در مکرهی ** کس چنان رقصان دود در گمرهی
Does any one under compulsion walk so complacently? Does any one, having lost his way’, go dancing (gleefully) like that?
بیست مرده جنگ میکردی در آن ** کت همیدادند پند آن دیگران
You were fighting like twenty men (to prevail) in the matter concerning which those others were giving you good advice.
که صواب اینست و راه اینست و بس ** کی زند طعنه مرا جز هیچکس
You said, “This is right and this is the only (approved) way: how should any one but a nobody (worthless person) rail at me?”
کی چنین گوید کسی کو مکر هست ** چون چنین جنگد کسی کو بیرهست1400
How should one who is compelled speak thus? How should one who has lost his way wrangle like this?
هر چه نفست خواست داری اختیار ** هر چه عقلت خواست آری اضطرار
Whatever your fleshly soul desires, you have free-will (in regard to that); whatever your reason desires, you plead necessity (as an excuse for rejecting it).