در حدیث آمد که یزدان مجید ** خلق عالم را سه گونه آفرید
It is related in the Hadíth that the majestical God created the creatures of the world (in) three kinds.
یک گره را جمله عقل و علم و جود ** آن فرشتهست او نداند جز سجود
One class (He made) entirely reason and knowledge and munificence; that is the angel: he knoweth naught but prostration in worship.
نیست اندر عنصرش حرص و هوا ** نور مطلق زنده از عشق خدا
In his original nature is no concupiscence and sensuality: he is absolute light, (he is) living through (his) love of God.
یک گروه دیگر از دانش تهی ** همچو حیوان از علف در فربهی1500
Another class is devoid of knowledge, like the animal (which lives) in fatness from (eating) fodder.
او نبیند جز که اصطبل و علف ** از شقاوت غافلست و از شرف
It sees nothing but stable and fodder: it is heedless of (future) misery and glory (felicity).
این سوم هست آدمیزاد و بشر ** نیم او ز افرشته و نیمیش خر
The third (class) is Adam's descendant and Man: half of him is of the angel and half of him is ass.
نیم خر خود مایل سفلی بود ** نیم دیگر مایل عقلی بود
The ass-half, indeed, inclines to that which is low; the other half inclines to that which is rational.
آن دو قوم آسوده از جنگ و حراب ** وین بشر با دو مخالف در عذاب
Those two classes (the angels and the beasts) are at rest from war and combat, while this Man is (engaged) in torment (painful struggle) with two adversaries.
وین بشر هم ز امتحان قسمت شدند ** آدمی شکلند و سه امت شدند1505
And, moreover, this (race of) Man, through probation, has been divided: they (all) are of human shape, but (in truth) they have become three communities (families).
یک گره مستغرق مطلق شدست ** همچو عیسی با ملک ملحق شدست
One party have become submerged absolutely and, like Jesus, have attained unto the (nature of the) angel.