گفت بهر مصلحت فرموده است ** نه برای بخل و نه تنگی دست
He (the steward) said, “He has ordered (so) for a good object, not on account of stinginess or close-fistedness.”
گفت دهلیزیست والله این سخن ** پیش شه خاکست هم زر کهن1720
“By God,” he replied, “this is a canard: even old gold is as dust in the king’s eyes.”
مطبخی ده گونه حجت بر فراشت ** او همه رد کرد از حرصی که داشت
The steward raised up manifold arguments: he rejected them all because of the greed which he had (in him).
چون جری کم آمدش در وقت چاشت ** زد بسی تشنیع او سودی نداشت
When, at the time of the forenoon meal, his (usual) allowance was reduced, he uttered much revilement, (but) it was of no avail.
گفت قاصد میکنید اینها شما ** گفت نه که بنده فرمانیم ما
He said, “Ye are doing these things on purpose.” “Nay,” said the other, “we obey the (royal) command.
این مگیر از فرع این از اصل گیر ** بر کمان کم زن که از بازوست تیر
Do not regard this (as proceeding) from the branch (sub ordinate): regard it (as proceeding) from the root (principal); do not strike at the bow, for the arrow is (really) from the arm.
ما رمیت اذ رمیت ابتلاست ** بر نبی کم نه گنه کان از خداست1725
(The words) thou didst not throw when thou threwest are a trial (of men’s understandings): do not lay the fault on the Prophet, for that (throwing) is (an act which proceeded) from God.
آب از سر تیره است ای خیرهخشم ** پیشتر بنگر یکی بگشای چشم
The water is turbid from the source: O thou who art angry in vain, look farther on, open thine eye once!”
شد ز خشم و غم درون بقعهای ** سوی شه بنوشت خشمین رقعهای
(Moved) by anger and resentment he went into a certain place and wrote an angry letter to the king.
اندر آن رقعه ثنای شاه گفت ** گوهر جود و سخای شاه سفت
In that letter he lauded the king and threaded the pearl of (descanted e on) the king’s munificence and generosity,