از جدایی باز میرانی سخن ** هر چه خواهی کن ولیکن این مکن
Thou art talking again of separation: do whatsoever thou wilt, but do not this!”
در سخن آباد این دم راه شد ** گفت امکان نیست چون بیگاه شد
The way is now made (open for entering) into the realm of Discourse (Exposition); (but) ‘tis impossible to speak (on the subject), since there is no time (to do so at present).
پوستها گفتیم و مغز آمد دفین ** گر بمانیم این نماند همچنین
We have told the husks (externals), but the kernel (the inner meaning) is buried; if we remain (alive), this will not remain (concealed) as it is now.
رد کردن معشوقه عذر عاشق را و تلبیس او را در روی او مالیدن
How the beloved rejected the excuses of the lover and rubbed his duplicity into him.
در جوابش بر گشاد آن یار لب ** کز سوی ما روز سوی تست شب320
The loved one opened her lips to answer him, saying, “On my side it is day, and on thy side it is night.
حیلههای تیره اندر داوری ** پیش بینایان چرا میآوری
Why in contention dost thou bring forward dark evasions be fore those who see (the truth plainly)?
هر چه در دل داری از مکر و رموز ** پیش ما رسواست و پیدا همچو روز
To us, all the deceit and dissimulations that thou hast in thy heart are manifest and clear as day.
گر بپوشیمش ز بندهپروری ** تو چرا بیرویی از حد میبری
If we, in kindness to our servant, cover it up, why dost thou carry shamelessness beyond the limit?
از پدر آموز که آدم در گناه ** خوش فرود آمد به سوی پایگاه
Learn from thy Father; for in (the hour of) sin Adam came down willingly to the vestibule
چون بدید آن عالم الاسرار را ** بر دو پا استاد استغفار را325
When he beheld that Knower of secrets, he stood up on his feet to ask forgiveness.
بر سر خاکستر انده نشست ** از بهانه شاخ تا شاخی نجست
He seated himself on the ashes of contrition: he did not jump from one branch of idle pleading to another