دیگر آنک چشم من روشنترست ** دیگر آنک خلقت من اطهرست
Another thing is that my eye is clearer; another, that my nature is purer,
زانک هستم من ز اولاد حلال ** نه ز اولاد زنا و اهل ضلال3405
Because I am one of the lawfully begotten, not one of the children of adultery and the people of perdition.
تو ز اولاد زنایی بیگمان ** تیر کژ پرد چو بد باشد کمان
Thou art one of the children of adultery: without doubt the arrow flies crookedly when the bow is bad.”
تصدیق کردن استر جوابهای شتر را و اقرار کردن بفضل او بر خود و ازو استعانت خواستن و بدو پناه گرفتن به صدق و نواختن شتر او را و ره نمودن و یاری دادن پدرانه و شاهانه
How the mule declared the replies of the camel to be true and acknowledged his (the camel's) superiority to himself and besought his aid and took refuge with him sincerely; and how the camel treated him with kindness and showed him the way and gave help in fatherly and kingly fashion.
گفت استر راست گفتی ای شتر ** این بگفت و چشم کرد از اشک پر
The mule said, “Thou hast spoken the truth, O camel.” This he said and filled his eye with tears.
ساعتی بگریست و در پایش فتاد ** گفت ای بگزیدهی رب العباد
He wept awhile and fell at his (the camel's) feet and said, “O chosen of the Lord of men,
چه زیان دارد گر از فرخندگی ** در پذیری تو مرا دربندگی
What harm will it do if thou, by (favour of) thy blessedness, wilt receive me into thy service?”
گفت چون اقرار کردی پیش من ** رو که رستی تو ز آفات زمن3410
He (the camel) said, “Since thou hast made confession in my presence, go (in peace), for thou art saved from the contaminations of Time.
دادی انصاف و رهیدی از بلا ** تو عدو بودی شدی ز اهل ولا
Thou hast given justice (hast made just amends) and art saved from tribulation: thou wast an enemy, thou hast become one of the leal.
خوی بد در ذات تو اصلی نبود ** کز بد اصلی نیاید جز جحود
The evil disposition was not original (innate) in thy person; for from original evil comes naught but denial.
آن بد عاریتی باشد که او ** آرد اقرار و شود او توبهجو
The borrowed (temporary) evil is such that he (in whom it appears) makes confession and desires to repent;