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  • چون شکم پر گشت و بر نعمت زدند ** وآن ضرورت رفت پس طاغی شدند 3620
  • When their bellies were filled and they grasped the (Divine) bounty and the necessity was gone, then they waxed insolent (in disobedience).
  • نفس فرعونیست هان سیرش مکن ** تا نیارد یاد از آن کفر کهن
  • The carnal soul is a follower of Pharaoh: beware, do not satisfy it, lest it remember its ancient infidelity.
  • بی تف آتش نگردد نفس خوب ** تا نشد آهن چو اخگر هین مکوب
  • Without the glowing heat of the fire (of mortification) the carnal soul will never become goodly: hark, do not beat the iron till it has become like live coals.
  • بی‌مجاعت نیست تن جنبش‌کنان ** آهن سردیست می‌کوبی بدان
  • Without hunger the body makes no movement (towards God): ‘tis cold iron thou art beating. Know (this for sure)!
  • گر بگرید ور بنالد زار زار ** او نخواهد شد مسلمان هوش دار
  • Though it weep and wail most piteously, it will never become a true believer. Take heed!
  • او چو فرعونست در قحط آنچنان ** پیش موسی سر نهد لابه‌کنان 3625
  • It is like Pharaoh: in (the time of) famine it lays its head before Moses, as he (Pharaoh) did, making supplication;
  • چونک مستغنی شد او طاغی شود ** خر چو بار انداخت اسکیزه زند
  • (But) when it has been freed from want, it rebels (once more) when the donkey has cast off his load, he kicks.
  • پس فراموشش شود چون رفت پیش ** کار او زان آه و زاریهای خویش
  • So, when its business has gone forward (prosperously), it (the carnal soul) forgets its sighs and lamentations.
  • سالها مردی که در شهری بود ** یک زمان که چشم در خوابی رود
  • The man who lives in a city (many) years, as soon as his eye goes asleep,
  • شهر دیگر بیند او پر نیک و بد ** هیچ در یادش نیاید شهر خود
  • Beholds another city full of good and evil, and his own city comes not into his memory at all,