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  • دور شو ای پیر فتنه کم فروز ** هین ز رشک احمدی ما را مسوز 960
  • Get thee far off, O old man! Do not kindle mischief! Hark, do not burn us with (the fire of) Ahmad's (Mohammed's) jealousy!
  • دور شو بهر خدا ای پیر تو ** تا نسوزی ز آتش تقدیر تو
  • Get thee far off, for God's sake, O old man, lest thou (too) be burnt by the fire of Fore-ordainment.
  • این چه دم اژدها افشردنست ** هیچ دانی چه خبر آوردنست
  • What squeezing of the dragon's tail is this? Dost thou know at all what the announcement (of Mohammed's advent) is (in its effects)?
  • زین خبر جوشد دل دریا و کان ** زین خبر لرزان شود هفت آسمان
  • At this news the heart of sea and mine will surge; at this news the seven heavens will tremble.”
  • چون شنید از سنگها پیر این سخن ** پس عصا انداخت آن پیر کهن
  • When the old man heard these words from the stones (idols), the ancient old man let his staff drop (from his hand);
  • پس ز لرزه و خوف و بیم آن ندا ** پیر دندانها به هم بر می‌زدی 965
  • Then, from tremor and fear and dread caused by that proclamation (of the idols), the old man was striking his teeth together.
  • آنچنان که اندر زمستان مرد عور ** او همی لرزید و می‌گفت ای ثبور
  • Even as a naked man in winter, he was shuddering and saying, “O destruction!”
  • چون در آن حالت بدید او پیر را ** زان عجب گم کرد زن تدبیر را
  • When she (Halíma) saw the old man in such a state (of terror), in consequence of that marvel the woman lost (the power of) deliberation.
  • گفت پیر اگر چه من در محنتم ** حیرت اندر حیرت اندر حیرتم
  • She said, “O old man, though I am in affliction (on account of the loss of Mohammed), I am in manifold bewilderment (not knowing whether I should grieve or rejoice).
  • ساعتی بادم خطیبی می‌کند ** ساعتی سنگم ادیبی می‌کند
  • At one moment the wind is making a speech to me, at another moment the stones are schooling me.