پس دعای خشک هل ای نیکبخت ** که فشاند دانه میخواهد درخت
- Abandon, then, the dry (verbal) prayer, O fortunate one; for the tree demands (presupposes) the scattering of seed.
گر نداری دانه ایزد زان دعا ** بخشدت نخلی که نعم ما سعی
- (But) if you have no seed, on account of that prayer God will bestow on you a palm-tree, saying, ‘How well did he labour!’
همچو مریم درد بودش دانه نی ** سبز کرد آن نخل را صاحبفنی 1190
- Like Mary: she had (heartfelt) pain, but no seed: an artful One made green that (withered) palm-tree (for her sake).
زانک وافی بود آن خاتون راد ** بیمرادش داد یزدان صد مراد
- Because that noble Lady was loyal (to God), God gave unto her a hundred desires without desire on her part.
آن جماعت را که وافی بودهاند ** بر همه اصنافشان افزودهاند
- The company who have been loyal are given superiority over all (other) sorts (of men).
گشت دریاها مسخرشان و کوه ** چار عنصر نیز بندهی آن گروه
- Seas and mountains are made subject to them; the four elements also are the slaves of that class.
این خود اکرامیست از بهر نشان ** تا ببینند اهل انکار آن عیان
- This (miraculous power) is only a favour (conferred on them) for a sign, to the end that the disbelievers may see it plainly.
آن کرامتهای پنهانشان که آن ** در نیاید در حواس و در بیان 1195
- Those hidden graces of theirs, which come not into (the perception of) the senses or into description—
کار آن دارد خود آن باشد ابد ** دایما نه منقطع نه مسترد
- Those are the (real) matter: those are enduring for ever, they are neither cut off nor reclaimed.
ای دهندهی قوت و تمکین و ثبات ** خلق را زین بیثباتی ده نجات
- O Giver of (spiritual) nutriment and steadfastness and stability, give Thy creatures deliverance from this instability.