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  • شاه پرسیدش که باری وحی چیست  ** یا چه حاصل دارد آن کس کو نبیست 
  • The king questioned him, saying, “After all, what is inspiration, or what has he got who is a prophet?”
  • گفت خود آن چیست کش حاصل نشد  ** یا چه دولت ماند کو واصل نشد 
  • He replied, “What is there indeed that he has not got, or what fortune is left whereunto he has not attained?
  • گیرم این وحی نبی گنجور نیست  ** هم کم از وحی دل زنبور نیست 
  • I will suppose (for argument's sake) that this prophetic inspiration is not a treasurer (of Divine Revelations); still, it is not inferior to the inspiration in the heart of the bee.
  • چونک او حی الرب الی النحل آمدست  ** خانه‌ی وحیش پر از حلوا شدست 
  • Since (the words) God hath inspired the bee have come (in the Qur’án), the dwelling-place of its (the bee's) inspiration has been filled with sweets.
  • او به نور وحی حق عزوجل  ** کرد عالم را پر از شمع و عسل  1230
  • Through the light of the inspiration of God the Almighty and Glorious, it filled the world with wax and honey.
  • این که کرمناست و بالا می‌رود  ** وحیش از زنبور کمتر کی بود 
  • This one who is (the object of) We have honored the sons of Adam (and) is ever going upward––how should his inspiration be inferior to (that of) the bee?"
  • نه تو اعطیناک کوثر خوانده‌ای  ** پس چرا خشکی و تشنه مانده‌ای 
  • Have not you read (the words) We have given thee Kawthar? Why, then, are you dry and why have you remained thirsty?
  • یا مگر فرعونی و کوثر چو نیل  ** بر تو خون گشتست و ناخوش ای علیل 
  • Or perchance you are (like) Pharaoh, and for you Kawthar, like the Nile, has turned to blood and (become) impure, O sick man.
  • توبه کن بیزار شو از هر عدو  ** کو ندارد آب کوثر در کدو 
  • Repent, renounce every enemy (of God) who hath not the water of Kawthar in his cup.
  • هر کرا دیدی ز کوثر سرخ‌رو  ** او محمدخوست با او گیر خو  1235
  • Whomsoever you see flushed (with joy) by Kawthar, he hath the nature of Mohammed: consort with him,