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  • چادر و سربند پوشیده و نقاب  ** مرد شهوانی و در غره‌ی شباب 
  • He wore the chádar and snood and veil, (but he was) a man lustful and in the prime of youth.
  • دختران خسروان را زین طریق  ** خوش همی‌مالید و می‌شست آن عشیق 
  • In this fashion that enamoured man was massaging and washing the daughters of emperors,
  • توبه‌ها می‌کرد و پا در می‌کشید  ** نفس کافر توبه‌اش را می‌درید  2235
  • (And though) he often resolved on repentance and was turning his back (on sin), the miscreant carnal soul would always tear his repentance to pieces.
  • رفت پیش عارفی آن زشت‌کار  ** گفت ما را در دعایی یاد دار 
  • That evil-doer (Nasúh) went to a gnostic and said, “Remember me in a prayer.”
  • سر او دانست آن آزادمرد  ** لیک چون حلم خدا پیدا نکرد 
  • The holy man knew his secret but, (acting) like the forbearance of God, he did not divulge it;
  • بر لبش قفلست و در دل رازها  ** لب خموش و دل پر از آوازها 
  • (For) on his (the gnostic's) lips is a lock, while his heart is full of mysteries: his lips are silent, though his heart is filled with voices.
  • عارفان که جام حق نوشیده‌اند  ** رازها دانسته و پوشیده‌اند 
  • Gnostics, who have drunk of the cup of God, have known the mysteries and kept them hidden.
  • هر کرا اسرار کار آموختند  ** مهر کردند و دهانش دوختند  2240
  • Whosoever has been taught the mysteries of the (Divine) action, his lips are sealed and closed.
  • سست خندید و بگفت ای بدنهاد  ** زانک دانی ایزدت توبه دهاد 
  • He (the holy man) laughed softly and said, “O evil-natured one, may God cause thee to repent of that which thou knowest!”
  • در بیان آنک دعای عارف واصل و درخواست او از حق هم‌چو درخواست حقست از خویشتن کی کنت له سمعا و بصرا و لسانا و یدا و قوله و ما رمیت اذ رمیت و لکن الله رمی و آیات و اخبار و آثار درین بسیارست و شرح سبب ساختن حق تا مجرم را گوش گرفته بتوبه‌ی نصوح آورد 
  • Explaining that the prayer of the gnostic who is united with God and his petition to God are like the petition of God to Himself, for “I am to him an ear and an eye and a tongue and a hand.” God hath said, “And thou didst not throw when thou threwest, but God threw”; and there are many Verses (of the Qur’án) and Traditions and Narrations on this subject. And (what follows is) an exposition of the way in which God devises means in order that, taking hold of the sinner's ear, they may lead him to the repentance of Nasúh.
  • آن دعا از هفت گردون در گذشت  ** کار آن مسکین به آخر خوب گشت 
  • That prayer traversed the Seven Heavens: the fortune of the miserable wretch (Nasúh) at last became good;