بط و طاوسست و زاغست و خروس ** این مثال چار خلق اندر نفوس
- There is the duck and the peacock and the crow and the cock: these are a parable of the four (evil) dispositions in (human) souls.
بط حرصست و خروس آن شهوتست ** جاه چون طاوس و زاغ امنیتست
- The duck is greed, and the cock is lust; eminence is like the peacock, and the crow is (worldly) desire.
منیتش آن که بود اومیدساز ** طامع تابید یا عمر دراز 45
- His (the crow's) object of desire is this, that he forms hopes and wishes for immortality or long life.
بط حرص آمد که نولش در زمین ** در تر و در خشک میجوید دفین
- The duck is greed, for her bill is always in the ground, seeking what is buried in the wet and dry.
یک زمان نبود معطل آن گلو ** نشنود از حکم جز امر کلوا
- That gullet (of hers) is never idle for a moment: it hearkens unto naught of the (Divine) ordinance save the command “Eat ye!”
همچو یغماجیست خانه میکند ** زود زود انبان خود پر میکند
- ’Tis like the looter who digs up (ravages) the house and very quickly fills his bag,
اندر انبان میفشارد نیک و بد ** دانههای در و حبات نخود
- Cramming into the bag good and bad (indifferently), single pearls and chickpeas,
تا مبادا یاغیی آید دگر ** میفشارد در جوال او خشک و تر 50
- Cramming dry and wet into the sack, for fear lest another enemy should arrive.
وقت تنگ و فرصت اندک او مخوف ** در بغل زد هر چه زودتر بیوقوف
- Time presses, the opportunity is small, he is terrified: without delay he heaves it under his arm as speedily as possible.