تا مبادا یاغیی آید دگر ** میفشارد در جوال او خشک و تر 50
- Cramming dry and wet into the sack, for fear lest another enemy should arrive.
وقت تنگ و فرصت اندک او مخوف ** در بغل زد هر چه زودتر بیوقوف
- Time presses, the opportunity is small, he is terrified: without delay he heaves it under his arm as speedily as possible.
لیک مومن ز اعتماد آن حیات ** میکند غارت به مهل و با انات
- But the true believer, from his confidence in that (Divine) Life, conducts his raid in a leisurely manner and with deliberation.
آمنست از فوت و از یاغی که او ** میشناسد قهر شه را بر عدو
- He hath no fear of missing his chance or of the enemy, for he recognises the King's dominion over the enemy.
آمنست از خواجهتاشان دگر ** که بیایندش مزاحم صرفهبر 55
- He hath no fear of the other fellow-servants coming to jostle him and gain the advantage,
عدل شه را دید در ضبط حشم ** که نیارد کرد کس بر کس ستم
- (For) he perceived the King's justice in restraining his followers so that none durst do violence to any one.
لاجرم نشتابد و ساکن بود ** از فوات حظ خود آمن بود
- Consequently he does not hurry and is calm: he hath no fear of missing his (appointed) portion.
بس تانی دارد و صبر و شکیب ** چشمسیر و مثرست و پاکجیب
- He hath much deliberation and patience and long-suffering; he is contented and unselfish and pure of heart,
کین تانی پرتو رحمان بود ** وان شتاب از هزهی شیطان بود
- For this deliberation is the ray of the Merciful (God), while that haste is from the impulse of the Devil,