از سعادت چون بر آن جان بر زدند ** همچو تن آن روح را خادم شدند
When, by happy fortune, they attached themselves to that Spirit, they became subservient to that Spirit, as the body (is subservient to the spirit dwelling in it).
آن بلیس از جان از آن سر برده بود ** یک نشد با جان که عضو مرده بود 155
Hence Iblís (Satan) had turned his head away from the Spirit: he did not become one with it because he was a dead limb.
چون نبودش آن فدای آن نشد ** دست بشکسته مطیع جان نشد
Since he had it not, he did not become devoted to it: the broken hand does not obey the spirit (which rules the body).
جان نشد ناقص گر آن عضوش شکست ** کان بدست اوست تواند کرد هست
(But) the Spirit is not impaired though its limb is broken, for that (limb) is in its power, and it can bring it to life.
سر دیگر هست کو گوش دگر ** طوطیی کو مستعد آن شکر
There is another mystery (to be told), (but) where is another ear? Where is a parrot capable of (eating) that sugar?
طوطیان خاص را قندیست ژرف ** طوطیان عام از آن خور بسته طرف
For the elect parrots there is a profound (occult) candy: to that food the eyes of the vulgar parrots are closed.
کی چشد درویش صورت زان زکات ** معنیست آن نه فعولن فاعلات 160
How should one who has (only) the appearance of a dervish taste of that purity? It is spiritual reality, not (mere) fa‘úlun fá‘ilát (amphibrachs and cretics).
از خر عیسی دریغش نیست قند ** لیک خر آمد به خلقت که پسند
Candy is not withheld from the ass of Jesus by him (Jesus), but the ass is naturally pleased with straw.
قند خر را گر طرب انگیختی ** پیش خر قنطار شکر ریختی
If candy had roused delight in the ass, he would have poured hundredweights of sugar in front of the ass.
معنی نختم علی افواههم ** این شناس اینست رهرو را مهم
Know that this is the (inner) meaning of We seal their mouths: this (knowledge) is important for the traveller on the Way,