تا به روز آن هندوک را میفشارد ** چون بود در پیش سگ انبان آرد
(Adulescens) istum Indulum comprimebat usque ad diluculum: coram cane quid fiat sacco farinae?) [He (the youth) squeezed the little Hindú until the (break of) day: how is a bag of flour (to remain untorn) before a (hungry) dog?]
زود آوردند طاس و بوغ زفت ** رسم دامادان فرج حمام رفت
At morning they brought the wash-basin and a big package (of clothes, etc.), and according to the custom of bridegrooms Faraj went to the bath.
رفت در حمام او رنجور جان ** کون دریده همچو دلق تونیان 310
He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, laceratus culum tanquam panni fornacatorum (bath-stokers). [He went to the bath, sorely troubled in soul, (his) anus torn like the rags of bath-stokers.]
آمد از حمام در گردک فسوس ** پیش او بنشست دختر چون عروس
From the bath he returned to the bridal chamber, a laughing-stock (to all): beside him sat the (Khwája's) daughter (dressed) like a bride.
مادرش آنجا نشسته پاسبان ** که نباید کو کند روز امتحان
Her mother (too) was sitting there to keep watch, lest he should make any attempt in the daytime.
ساعتی در وی نظر کرد از عناد ** آنگهان با هر دو دستش ده بداد
He eyed her sulkily for awhile: then with both hands (spread) he gave her the ten (fingers).
گفت کس را خود مبادا اتصال ** با چو تو ناخوش عروس بدفعال
“May no one,” he exclaimed, “live in wedlock with a nasty evil-doing bride like thee!
روز رویت روی خاتونان تر ** کیر زشتت شب بتر از کیر خر 315
By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; noctu penis tuus turpis pejor est quam veretrum asini.” [By day thy face is the face of fresh young ladies; by night, your ugly penis (is) worse than the penis of an ass.”]
همچنان جمله نعیم این جهان ** بس خوشست از دور پیش از امتحان
Even so all the pleasures of this world are very delightful (when viewed) from a distance before the (actual) test.
مینماید در نظر از دور آب ** چون روی نزدیک باشد آن سراب
Seen from a distance they appear (like refreshing) water, (but) when you approach (them) they are a mirage.