زان هزاران صورت و نقش و نگار ** میشدند از سو به سو خوش بیقرار
By those thousands of pictures and designs and decorations they (the princes) were made mightily restless (so that they wandered) to and fro (in amazement).
زین قدحهای صور کمباش مست ** تا نگردی بتتراش و بتپرست
Do not be intoxicated with these cups, which are (phenomenal) forms, lest thou become a carver of idols and an idolater.
از قدحهای صور بگذر مهایست ** باده در جامست لیک از جام نیست
Abandon the cups, namely, the (phenomenal) forms: do not tarry! There is wine in the cup, but it is not (derived) from the cup.
سوی بادهبخش بگشا پهن فم ** چون رسد باده نیاید جام کم
Open thy mouth wide to the Giver of the wine: when the wine comes, the cup will not be lacking.
آدما معنی دلبندم بجوی ** ترک قشر و صورت گندم بگوی 3710
(God said), “O Adam, seek My heart-enthralling Reality: take leave of the husk and (outward) form of the (forbidden) wheat.”
چونک ریگی آرد شد بهر خلیل ** دانک معزولست گندم ای نبیل
Since sand was turned into flour for the Friend (Abraham), know that the wheat is deposed from its office, O noble one.
صورت از بیصورت آید در وجود ** همچنانک از آتشی زادست دود
Form is brought into existence by the Formless, just as smoke is produced by a fire.
کمترین عیب مصور در خصال ** چون پیاپی بینیش آید ملال
The least blemish in the qualities of that which is endowed with form becomes annoying when you regard it continually;
حیرت محض آردت بیصورتی ** زاده صد گون آلت از بیآلتی
(But) Formlessness throws you into absolute bewilderment: from non-instrumentality a hundred kinds of instruments are born.
بی ز دستی دستها بافد همی ** جان جان سازد مصور آدمی 3715
Handlessness is weaving (fashioning) hands: the Soul of the soul makes a (fully) formed Man.