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  • اشک می‌بارید هر یک هم‌چو میغ  ** دست می‌خایید و می‌گفت ای دریغ 
  • Each (of them) was shedding tears, like a cloud, and gnawing his hands and crying, “Oh, alas!
  • ما کنون دیدیم شه ز آغاز دید  ** چندمان سوگند داد آن بی‌ندید 
  • Now we see (what) the King saw at the beginning. How often did that peerless one adjure us!”
  • انبیا را حق بسیارست از آن  ** که خبر کردند از پایانمان  3770
  • The prophets have conferred a great obligation (on us) because they have made us aware of the end,
  • کاینچ می‌کاری نروید جز که خار  ** وین طرف پری نیابی زو مطار 
  • Saying, “That which thou art sowing will produce naught but thorns; and (if) thou fly in this (worldly) direction thou wilt find there no room to fly (beyond).
  • تخم از من بر که تا ریعی دهد  ** با پر من پر که تیر آن سو جهد 
  • Get the seed from me, that it may yield a (good) crop; fly with my wings, that the arrow may speed Yonder.
  • تو ندانی واجبی آن و هست  ** هم تو گویی آخر آن واجب بدست 
  • (If) thou dost not recognise the necessity and (real) existence of that (flight to God), yet in the end thou wilt confess that it was necessary.”
  • او توست اما نه این تو آن توست  ** که در آخر واقف بیرون‌شوست 
  • He (the prophet) is thou, but not this (unreal) “thou”: (he is) that “thou” which in the end is conscious of escape (from the world of illusion).
  • توی آخر سوی توی اولت  ** آمدست از بهر تنبیه و صلت  3775
  • Thy last (unreal) “thou” has come to thy first (real) “thou” to receive admonition and gifts.
  • توی تو در دیگری آمد دفین  ** من غلام مرد خودبینی چنین 
  • Thy (real) “thou” is buried in another (unreal “thou”): I am the (devoted) slave of a man who thus (truly) sees himself.
  • آنچ در آیینه می‌بیند جوان  ** پیر اندر خشت بیند بیش از آن 
  • That which the youth sees in the mirror the Elder sees beforehand in the (crude iron) brick.