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  • جمله عالم زین غلط کردند راه  ** کز عدم ترسند و آن آمد پناه 
  • Hence all the world have taken the wrong way, for they are afraid of nonexistence, though it is (really) the refuge (in which they find salvation).
  • از کجا جوییم علم از ترک علم  ** از کجا جوییم سلم از ترک سلم 
  • Whence shall we seek (true knowledge? From renouncing (our false) knowledge. Whence shall we seek (true) peace? From renouncing peace (with our carnal selves).
  • از کجا جوییم هست از ترک هست  ** از کجا جوییم سیب از ترک دست 
  • Whence shall we seek (real) existence? From renouncing (illusory) existence. Whence shall we seek the apple (of Truth)? From renouncing the hand (of self-assertion and self-interest).
  • هم تو تانی کرد یا نعم المعین  ** دیده‌ی معدوم‌بین را هست بین  825
  • O best Helper, only Thou canst make the eye that regards the non-existent to regard that which is (really) existent.
  • دیده‌ای کو از عدم آمد پدید  ** ذات هستی را همه معدوم دید 
  • The eye that was produced from non-existence regarded the Essence of (real) Being as wholly non-existent;
  • این جهان منتظم محشر شود  ** گر دو دیده مبدل و انور شود 
  • (But), if (thy) two eyes are transformed and illumined, this well-ordered world becomes the scene of the Last Judgement.
  • زان نماید این حقایق ناتمام  ** که برین خامان بود فهمش حرام 
  • These realities are shown forth imperfectly (here) because the apprehension of them is forbidden to these raw (ignorant) ones.
  • نعمت جنات خوش بر دوزخمی  ** شد محرم گرچه حق آمد سخی 
  • Although God is munificent, the enjoyment of the delightful gardens ofParadise is forbidden to him who is destined for Hell.
  • در دهانش تلخ آید شهد خلد  ** چون نبود از وافیان در عهد خلد  830
  • The honey of Paradise becomes bitter in his mouth, since he was not (destined to be) one of them that faithfully keep the covenant of everlasting life.
  • مر شما را نیز در سوداگری  ** دست کی جنبد چو نبود مشتری 
  • Ye (worldly folk) also (who are engaged) in commerce—how should your hands move (to sell anything) when there is no buyer?