هر خماری مست گشت و باده خورد ** رخت را امشب گرو خواهیم کرد
Every toper has drunk the wine and is intoxicated: to-night we will pawn all our belongings.
زان شراب لعل جان جانفزا ** لعل اندر لعل اندر لعل ما
From (drinking) the ruby wine of the life-increasing Spirit we are ruby within ruby within ruby.
باز خرم گشت مجلس دلفروز ** خیز دفع چشم بد اسپند سوز 945
Once more the assembly-place has become flourishing and heart-illuminating: arise and burn rue-seed to keep off the evil eye.
نعرهی مستان خوش میآیدم ** تا ابد جانا چنین میبایدم
The cries of the joyous drunken (lovers) are coming to me: O Beloved, I want it (to continue) like this unto everlasting.
نک هلالی با بلالی یار شد ** زخم خار او را گل و گلزار شد
Lo, a new moon (hilálí) has been united with a Bilál: the blows of the (scourge of) thorns have become (delightful) to him (as) roses and pomegranate-flowers.
گر ز زخم خار تن غربال شد ** جان و جسمم گلشن اقبال شد
(Bilál said), “If my body is (full of holes, like) a sieve from the blows of the (scourge of) thorns, (yet) my soul and body are a rose-garden of felicity.
تن به پیش زخم خار آن جهود ** جان من مست و خراب آن و دود
My body is exposed to the blows of the Jew's (scourge of) thorns, (but) my spirit is intoxicated and enravished by that Loving One.
The scent of a (beloved) Soul is coming towards my soul: the scent of my loving Friend is coming to me.”
از سوی معراج آمد مصطفی ** بر بلالش حبذا لی حبذا
(When) Mustafá (Mohammed) came (to earth) from the Ascension, (he pronounced) on his Bilál (the blessing), “How dear to me (art thou), how dear!”
چونک صدیق از بلال دمدرست ** این شنید از توبهی او دست شست
On hearing this (ecstatic utterance) from Bilál, in whose speech there was no guile, the Siddíq (Abú Bakr) washed his hands of urging him to repent.
باز گردانیدن صدیق رضی الله عنه واقعهی بلال را رضی الله عنه و ظلم جهودان را بر وی و احد احد گفتن او و افزون شدن کینهی جهودان و قصه کردن آن قضیه پیش مصطفی علیهالسلام و مشورت در خریدن او
How the Siddíq (Abú Bakr), may God be pleased with him, recalled (to his mind) what had happened to Bilál, may God be pleased with him, and his maltreatment by the Jews and his crying “One! One!” and the Jews becoming more incensed (against him); and how he told the story of the affair to Mustafá (Mohammed), on whom be peace, and consulted him as to buying him (Bilál) from the Jews.