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  • چون که جزو دوزخ است این نفس ما ** طبع کل دارد همیشه جزوها
  • Inasmuch as this self of ours is a part of Hell, and the parts always have the nature of the whole,
  • این قدم حق را بود کاو را کشد ** غیر حق خود کی کمان او کشد
  • To God (alone) belongs this foot (power) to kill it: who, indeed, but God should draw its bow (vanquish it)?
  • در کمان ننهند الا تیر راست ** این کمان را باژگون کژ تیرهاست‌‌
  • Only the straight arrow is put on the bow, (but) this bow (of the self) has (its) arrows bent back and crooked.
  • راست شو چون تیر و واره از کمان ** کز کمان هر راست بجهد بی‌‌گمان‌‌ 1385
  • Be straight, like an arrow, and escape from the bow, for without doubt every straight (arrow) will fly from the bow (to its mark).
  • چون که واگشتم ز پیکار برون ** روی آوردم به پیکار درون‌‌
  • When I turned back from the outer warfare, I set my face towards the inner warfare.
  • قد رجعنا من جهاد الاصغریم ** با نبی اندر جهاد اکبریم‌‌
  • We have returned from the lesser Jihád, we are engaged along with the Prophet in the greater Jihád.
  • قوت از حق خواهم و توفیق و لاف ** تا به سوزن بر کنم این کوه قاف‌‌
  • I pray God to grant me strength and aid and (the right of) boasting, that I may root up with a needle this mountain of Qáf.
  • سهل شیری دان که صفها بشکند ** شیر آن است آن که خود را بشکند
  • Deem of small account the lion (champion) who breaks the ranks (of the enemy): the (true) lion is he that breaks (conquers) himself.
  • آمدن رسول روم تا نزد عمر و دیدن او کرامات عمر را
  • How the ambassador of Rúm came to the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, and witnessed the gifts of grace with which ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him, was endowed.
  • تا عمر آمد ز قیصر یک رسول ** در مدینه از بیابان نغول‌‌ 1390
  • To ‘Umar in Medina there came through the wide desert an ambassador from the Emperor of Rúm.
  • گفت کو قصر خلیفه ای حشم ** تا من اسب و رخت را آن جا کشم‌‌
  • He said, “O ye attendants, where is the palace of the Caliph, that I may take thither my horse and baggage?”
  • قوم گفتندش که او را قصر نیست ** مر عمر را قصر، جان روشنی است‌‌
  • The folk said to him, “He has no palace: ‘Umar's (only) palace is an illumined spirit.
  • گر چه از میری و را آوازه‌‌ای است ** همچو درویشان مر او را کازه‌‌ای است‌‌
  • Though he has a (great) renown from being Commander (of the Faithful), he has (no dwelling except) a hut, like the poor.
  • ای برادر چون ببینی قصر او ** چون که در چشم دلت رسته ست مو
  • O brother, how wilt thou behold his palace, when hair has grown in the eye of thy heart?
  • چشم دل از مو و علت پاک آر ** و آن گهان دیدار قصرش چشم دار 1395
  • Purge thy heart's eye of hair and defect, and then hope to behold his palace.
  • هر که را هست از هوسها جان پاک ** زود بیند حضرت و ایوان پاک‌‌
  • Whoever hath a spirit purged of (sensual) desires will at once behold the Presence and the Holy Porch.
  • چون محمد پاک شد زین نار و دود ** هر کجا رو کرد وجه الله بود
  • When Mohammed was purged of this fire and smoke (of human passions), wheresoever he turned his face, was the Face of Allah.
  • چون رفیقی وسوسه‌‌ی بد خواه را ** کی بدانی ثم وجه الله را
  • Inasmuch as thou art a friend to the evil suggestions of the malign one (Satan), how wilt thou know (the true meaning of) There is the Face of Allah?
  • هر که را باشد ز سینه فتح باب ** او ز هر شهری ببیند آفتاب‌‌
  • Every one in whose breast the gate is opened will behold from every city the sun (shining).
  • حق پدید است از میان دیگران ** همچو ماه اندر میان اختران‌‌ 1400
  • God is manifest amongst others as the moon amidst the stars.
  • دو سر انگشت بر دو چشم نه ** هیچ بینی از جهان انصاف ده‌‌
  • Lay two finger-ends on thy two eyes, and wilt thou see aught of the world? Deal justly (confess that thou wilt see nothing).
  • گر نبینی این جهان معدوم نیست ** عیب جز ز انگشت نفس شوم نیست‌‌
  • If thou dost not see this world, (yet) it is not non-existent: the fault lies not save in the finger of thy evil self.
  • تو ز چشم انگشت را بردار هین ** و آن گهانی هر چه می‌‌خواهی ببین‌‌
  • Come, lift the finger from thine eye, and then behold whatsoever thou wishest.
  • نوح را گفتند امت کو ثواب ** گفت او ز آن سوی و استغشوا ثیاب‌‌
  • To Noah his people said, ‘Where is the Divine recompense?’ He said, ‘On the other side of they cover themselves with their garments.
  • رو و سر در جامه‌‌ها پیچیده‌‌اید ** لا جرم با دیده و نادیده‌‌اید 1405
  • Ye have wrapped your faces and heads in your clothes: of necessity ye have eyes and see not.’
  • آدمی دید است و باقی پوست است ** دید آن است آن که دید دوست است‌‌
  • Man is eye, and (all) the rest is (worthless) skin: the sight of that (eye) is (consists in) seeing the Beloved.