تو تبرا کن که هستت دستگاه ** ای تبرای ترا جان عذر خواه
Be quit (then)! for thou hast the power, (but) oh, my soul pleads against thy making this declaration.
یاد میکن آن زمانی را که من ** چون صنم بودم تو بودی چون شمن
Remember the time when I was (beautiful) as the idol, and thou (adoring) as the idolater.
بنده بر وفق تو دل افروخته ست ** هر چه گویی پخت گوید سوخته ست
Thy slave has kindled her heart (in eagerness) to comply with thee: whatever thou callest ‘cooked,’ she says it is ‘burnt.’
من سپاناخ تو با هر چم پزی ** یا ترش با یا که شیرین میسزی
Whatever thou mayst cook me with, I am thy spinach: whether (thou art) sour broth (to me) or sweet, thou art worthy (of my affection).
کفر گفتم نک به ایمان آمدم ** پیش حکمت از سر جان آمدم2410
I uttered infidelity (blasphemy): lo, I have returned to the true faith, I am come (to submit) with all my soul to thy command.
خوی شاهانهی ترا نشناختم ** پیش تو گستاخ خر در تاختم
I did not know thy kingly nature, I rudely urged my ass (intruded) before thee.
چون ز عفو تو چراغی ساختم ** توبه کردم اعتراض انداختم
Since I have made (for myself) a lamp of thy forgiveness, I repent, I cast away (abandon) opposition.
مینهم پیش تو شمشیر و کفن ** میکشم پیش تو گردن را بزن
I am laying before thee sword and winding-sheet: I am bending my neck towards thee: smite!
از فراق تلخ میگویی سخن ** هر چه خواهی کن و لیکن این مکن
Thou art talking of bitter separation (from me): do whatever thou wilt, but do not this.
در تو از من عذر خواهی هست سر ** با تو بیمن او شفیعی مستمر2415
Thy conscience within thee is a pleader on my behalf, it is a perpetual intercessor with thee in my absence.
عذر خواهم در درونت خلق تست ** ز اعتماد او دل من جرم جست
What pleads within thee for me is thy (noble) nature: from reliance on it my heart sought (to) sin (against thee).
رحم کن پنهان ز خود ای خشمگین ** ای که خلقت به ز صد من انگبین
Have mercy, unbeknown to thyself (without any self-conceit), O angry one, O thou whose nature is better than a hundred maunds of honey.”
زین نسق میگفت با لطف و گشاد ** در میانه گریهای بر وی فتاد
In this fashion was she speaking graciously and winningly: meanwhile a (fit of) weeping came upon her.
گریه چون از حد گذشت و های های ** زو که بیگریه بد او خود دل ربای
When the tears and sobs passed beyond bounds—from her who was fascinating even without tears—
شد از آن باران یکی برقی پدید ** زد شراری در دل مرد وحید2420
There appeared from that rain a lightning-flash (that) shot a spark of fire into the heart of the lonely man.
آن که بندهی روی خوبش بود مرد ** چون بود چون بندگی آغاز کرد
She by whose beauteous face man was enslaved, how will it be when she begins to play the (humble) slave?
آن که از کبرش دلت لرزان بود ** چون شوی چون پیش تو گریان شود
She at whose haughtiness thy heart is trembling, how wilt thou fare when she falls a-weeping before thee?
آن که از نازش دل و جان خون بود ** چون که آید در نیاز او چون بود
She from whose disdain thy heart and soul are bleeding, how will it be when she turns to entreaty?
آن که در جور و جفایش دام ماست ** عذر ما چه بود چو او در عذر خاست
She in whose tyranny and cruelty we are snared, what plea shall we have when she rises to plead?
زين للناس حق آراسته ست ** ز آن چه حق آراست چون دانند جست2425
(The love of desired things, women, etc.) is decked out for men (made attractive to them): God has arranged it: how can they escape from what God has arranged?
چون پی یسکن الیهاش آفرید ** کی تواند آدم از حوا برید
Inasmuch as He created her (the woman) that he (Adam) might take comfort in her, how can Adam be parted from Eve?
رستم زال ار بود وز حمزه بیش ** هست در فرمان اسیر زال خویش
Though he (the husband) be Rustam son of Zál and greater than Hamza (in valour), as regards authority he is his old woman's (his wife's) captive.
آن که عالم مست گفتش آمدی ** کلمینی یا حمیراء میزدی
He (the Prophet), by whose words the (whole) world was intoxicated, used to cry, “Speak to me, O Humayrá!”
آب غالب شد بر آتش از نهیب ** آتشش جوشد چو باشد در حجاب
The water prevailed over (extinguished) the fire by its dread onset, (but) the fire makes it seethe when it (the water) is screened (hidden in the cauldron).
چون که دیگی حایل آید هر دو را ** نیست کرد آن آب را کردش هوا2430
When a cauldron comes between them both, it (the fire) annihilates the water and converts it into air.