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  • گر بپیوندی بدان شه شه شوی ** سوی هر ادبار تا کی می‌‌روی‌‌
  • If thou gain access to that King, thou wilt become a king: how long wilt thou go after every (kind of) misfortune?”
  • همنشینی مقبلان چون کیمیاست ** چون نظرشان کیمیایی خود کجاست‌‌
  • Companionship with kings is like the Elixir: indeed, how is an Elixir like (to be compared with) their looks (of favour)?
  • چشم احمد بر ابو بکری زده ** او ز یک تصدیق صدیق آمده‌‌
  • The eye of Ahmad (Mohammed) was cast upon an Abú Bakr: he by a single act of faith became a Siddíq.
  • گفت من شه را پذیرا چون شوم ** بی‌‌بهانه سوی او من چون روم‌‌
  • Said the husband, “How should I go to meet the King? How should I go to him without a pretext?
  • نسبتی باید مرا یا حیلتی ** هیچ پیشه راست شد بی‌‌آلتی‌‌ 2690
  • I must have some reference or device: is any handicraft right (possible) without tools?
  • همچو آن مجنون که بشنید از یکی ** که مرض آمد به لیلی اندکی‌‌
  • As (to mention a similar case) the famous Majnún, when he heard from some one that Laylá was a little unwell,
  • گفت آوه بی‌‌بهانه چون روم ** ور بمانم از عیادت چون شوم‌‌
  • Cried, ‘Ah, how shall I go (to her) without a pretext? And if I fail to visit her when she is ill, how (wretched) shall I be!
  • لیتنی کنت طبیبا حاذقا ** کنت أمشی نحو لیلی سابقا
  • Would that I were a skilled physician! I would have gone on foot to Laylá first of all (before any one else).’
  • قل تعالوا گفت حق ما را بدان ** تا بود شرم اشکنی ما را نشان‌‌
  • God said to us, ‘Say, Come ye,’ in order to signify to us the (means of) vanquishing our feeling of shame.
  • شب پران را گر نظر و آلت بدی ** روزشان جولان و خوش حالت بدی‌‌ 2695
  • If bats had sight and means (ability to bear the sunshine), they would fly about and enjoy themselves by day.”
  • گفت چون شاه کرم میدان رود ** عین هر بی‌‌آلتی آلت شود
  • The wife said, “When the gracious King goes into the field (maydán), the essence of every lack of means (inability) becomes a means (ability),
  • ز آن که آلت دعوی است و هستی است ** کار در بی‌‌آلتی و پستی است‌‌
  • Because the means (ability) is (involves) pretension and self-existence: the (pith of the) matter lies in lack of means (inability) and non-existence.”
  • گفت کی بی‌‌آلتی سودا کنم ** تا نه من بی‌‌آلتی پیدا کنم‌‌
  • “How,” said he, “should I do business without means, unless I make it manifest that I (really) have no means?
  • پس گواهی بایدم بر مفلسی ** تا شهم رحمی کند یا مونسی‌‌
  • Therefore I must needs have attestation of my want of means, that the King who wants naught may take pity on me.
  • تو گواهی غیر گفت‌‌وگو و رنگ ** وانما تا رحم آرد شاه شنگ‌‌ 2700
  • Do thou produce some attestation besides talk and show, so that the beauteous King may take pity,
  • کاین گواهی که ز گفت و رنگ بد ** نزد آن قاضی القضاة آن جرح شد
  • For the testimony that consisted of talk and show was (ever) invalidated before that Supreme Judge.
  • صدق می‌‌خواهد گواه حال او ** تا بتابد نور او بی‌‌قال او
  • He requires truth (veracity) as witness to his (the indigent man's) state, so that his (inner) light shall shine forth (and proclaim his indigence) without any words of his.”
  • هدیه بردن عرب سبوی آب باران از میان بادیه سوی بغداد به نزد خلیفه بر پنداشت آن که آن جا هم قحط آب است‌‌
  • How the Arab carried a jug of rain-water from the midst of the desert as a gift to the Commander of the Faithful at Baghdád, in the belief that in that town also there was a scarcity of water.
  • گفت زن صدق آن بود کز بود خویش ** پاک برخیزی تو از مجهود خویش‌‌
  • The wife said, “When with all thy might thou dost (endeavour to) rise up entirely purged of self-existence—that is veracity.
  • آب باران است ما را در سبو ** ملکت و سرمایه و اسباب تو
  • We have the rain-water in the jug: ’tis thy property and capital and means.
  • این سبوی آب را بردار و رو ** هدیه ساز و پیش شاهنشاه شو 2705
  • Take this jug of water and depart, make it a gift and go into the presence of the King of kings.
  • گو که ما را غیر این اسباب نیست ** در مفازه هیچ به زین آب نیست‌‌
  • Say, ‘We have no means except this: in the desert there is nothing better than this water.’
  • گر خزینه‌‌ش پر متاع فاخر است ** این چنین آبش نباشد نادر است‌‌
  • If his treasury is full of splendid merchandise, (yet) he will have no water like this: ’tis rare.”
  • چیست آن کوزه تن محصور ما ** اندر او آب حواس شور ما
  • What is that jug? Our confined body: within it is the briny water of our senses.
  • ای خداوند این خم و کوزه‌‌ی مرا ** در پذیر از فضل الله اشتری‌‌
  • O Lord, accept this jar and jug of mine by the grace of “God hath purchased (from the believers their lives and wealth in return for Paradise).”
  • کوزه‌‌ای با پنج لوله‌‌ی پنج حس ** پاک دار این آب را از هر نجس‌‌ 2710
  • (’Tis) a jug with five spouts, the five senses: keep this water pure (and safe) from every filth,