ماه میگوید به خاک و ابر و فی ** من بشر بودم ولی یوحی الی
The Moon (the Prophet) is saying to earth and cloud and shadow, “I was a man, but it is revealed to me (that your God is one God).
چون شما تاریک بودم در نهاد ** وحی خورشیدم چنین نوری بداد3660
Like you, I was dark in my nature: the Sun's revelation gave me such a light as this.
ظلمتی دارم به نسبت با شموس ** نور دارم بهر ظلمات نفوس
I have a certain darkness in comparison with the (spiritual) suns, (but) I have light for the darknesses of (human) souls.
ز آن ضعیفم تا تو تابی آوری ** که نه مرد آفتاب انوری
I am faint (less bright than the Sun) in order that thou mayst be able to bear (my beams), for thou art not the man for (a man who can bear) the most radiant Sun.
همچو شهد و سرکه در هم بافتم ** تا سوی رنج جگر ره یافتم
I was woven (mingled) together, like honey and vinegar, that I might find the way to (cure) sickness of heart.
چون ز علت وارهیدی ای رهین ** سرکه را بگذار و میخور انگبین
Since thou hast recovered from thine illness, O thou (that wert) in thrall (to it), leave the vinegar and continue to eat the honey.”
تخت دل معمور شد پاک از هوا ** بین که الرحمن علی العرش استوی3665
(If) the throne of the heart has become restored to soundness and purged of sensuality, behold how the Merciful God is seated on His Throne.
حکم بر دل بعد از این بیواسطه ** حق کند چون یافت دل این رابطه
After this, God controls the heart without intermediary, since the heart has attained to this relation (with Him).
این سخن پایان ندارد زید کو ** تا دهم پندش که رسوایی مجو
This discourse hath no end. Where is Zayd, that I may counsel him not to seek notoriety?
رجوع به حکایت زید
The (author's) return to the story of Zayd.
زید را اکنون نیابی کاو گریخت ** جست از صف نعال و نعل ریخت
You will not find Zayd now, for he has fled: he has darted away from the shoe-row and dropped his shoes.
تو که باشی زید هم خود را نیافت ** همچو اختر که بر او خورشید تافت
Who are you (that you should hope to find him)? Zayd cannot even find himself, (he has vanished) like the star on which the sun shone.
نی از او نقشی بیابی نی نشان ** نی کهی یابی نه راه کهکشان3670
You will find neither mark nor trace of him, you will not find a straw (star) in the straw-strewn Way (the Milky Way).
شد حواس و نطق با پایان ما ** محو نور دانش سلطان ما
Our senses and finite speech (reason) are obliterated in the light of the knowledge of our (Divine) King.
حسها و عقلهاشان در درون ** موج در موج لدينا محضرون
Their (the God-intoxicated mystics') senses and understandings within (them) are (tossed), wave on wave, in (the sea of) they are assembled before Us.
چون شب آمد باز وقت بار شد ** انجم پنهان شده بر کار شد
When dawn comes, ’tis again the time of (bearing) the burden: the stars, which had become hidden, go (again) to work.
بیهشان را وادهد حق هوشها ** حلقه حلقه حلقهها در گوشها
God gives back to the senseless ones their (lost) senses: (they return to consciousness) troop after troop, with rings (of mystic knowledge) in their ears,
پای کوبان دست افشان در ثنا ** ناز نازان ربنا أحییتنا3675
Dancing, waving their hands in praise (of God), triumphing (and crying), “O Lord, Thou hast brought us to life.”
آن جلود و آن عظام ریخته ** فارسان گشته غبار انگیخته
Those crumbled skins and bones have become (like) horsemen and have raised the dust:
حمله آرند از عدم سوی وجود ** در قیامت هم شکور و هم کنود
At Resurrection both the thankful and the ungrateful rush along from non-existence towards existence.
سر چه میپیچی کنی نادیدهای ** در عدم ز اول نه سرپیچیدهای
Why do you turn away your head and pretend not to see? Did you not turn away your head at first, (when you were) in non-existence (and disbelieved that you would ever come into existence)?
در عدم افشرده بودی پای خویش ** که مرا که بر کند از جای خویش
You had planted your foot (firmly) in non-existence, saying, “Who will uproot me from my place?”
مینبینی صنع ربانیت را ** که کشید او موی پیشانیت را3680
Are not you beholding the action of your Lord, who dragged you (into existence) by the forelock,
تا کشیدت اندر این انواع حال ** که نبودت در گمان و در خیال
Until He drew you into (all) these various states (of being), which were not in your thought or fancy?
آن عدم او را هماره بنده است ** کار کن دیوا سلیمان زنده است
That non-existence is always His slave: work (in His service), O demon! Solomon is living.
دیو میسازد جفان کالجواب ** زهره نی تا دفع گوید یا جواب
The demon is making large bowls like watering-troughs: he dare not say a word in refusal or in retort.