جهد کن تا صد گمان گردد نود ** شب برو ور تو بخسبی شب رود
Strive that the hundred doubts may become ninety (may decrease): go (towards God) in the night (of this world), for if you slumber, the night will go (from you).
در شب تاریک جوی آن روز را ** پیش کن آن عقل ظلمت سوز را3690
In the dark night seek that (shining) Day: put in front (follow) the darkness consuming Reason.
در شب بد رنگ بس نیکی بود ** آب حیوان جفت تاریکی بود
In the evil-coloured night there is much good: the Water of Life is the mate of darkness.
سر ز خفتن کی توان برداشتن ** با چنین صد تخم غفلت کاشتن
How is it possible to lift up the head from slumber, whilst you are sowing a hundred such seeds of slothfulness?
خواب مرده لقمهی مرده یار شد ** خواجه خفت و دزد شب بر کار شد
Slumber is dead (unlawful) food is dead; they are friends (to each other): the merchant fell asleep and the night-thief got to work.
تو نمیدانی که خصمانت کیاند ** ناریان خصم وجود خاکیاند
Do you not know who your enemies are? Those made of fire are enemies to the existence of those made of earth.
نار خصم آب و فرزندان اوست ** همچنان که آب خصم جان اوست3695
Fire is the enemy of water and its children, even as water is an enemy to the life of fire.
آب آتش را کشد زیرا که او ** خصم فرزندان آب است و عدو
Water kills fire because it is the enemy and foe of the children of water.
بعد از آن این نار نار شهوت است ** کاندر او اصل گناه و زلت است
To proceed, this fire is the fire of lust, wherein is the root of sin and error.
نار بیرونی به آبی بفسرد ** نار شهوت تا به دوزخ میبرد
The external fire may be quenched by some water, (but) the fire of lust is bringing (you) to Hell.
نار شهوت مینیارامد به آب ** ز انکه دارد طبع دوزخ در عذاب
The fire of lust is not allayed by water, because it has the (insatiable) nature of Hell in respect of (inflicting) torment.
نار شهوت را چه چاره نور دین ** نورکم اطفاء نار الکافرین3700
What is the remedy for the fire of lust? The light of the Religion: your (the Moslems') light is the (means of) extinguishing the fire of the infidels.
چه کشد این نار را نور خدا ** نور ابراهیم را ساز اوستا
What kills this fire? The Light of God. Make the light of Abraham your teacher,
تا ز نار نفس چون نمرود تو ** وارهد این جسم همچون عود تو
That this body of yours, which resembles wood (faggots), may be delivered from the fire of the Nimrod-like flesh (nafs).
شهوت ناری به راندن کم نشد ** او به ماندن کم شود بیهیچ بد
Fiery lust is not diminished by indulging it: it is diminished, without any escape (inevitably), by leaving it (ungratified).
تا که هیزم مینهی بر آتشی ** کی بمیرد آتش از هیزم کشی
So long as thou art laying faggots on a fire, how will the fire be extinguished by a carrier of faggots?
چون که هیزم باز گیری نار مرد ** ز انکه تقوی آب سوی نار برد3705
When thou withholdest the faggots, the fire dies out, because fear of God carries (as it were) water to the fire.
کی سیه گردد ز آتش روی خوب ** کاو نهد گلگونه از تقوی القلوب
How should the fire blacken the beauteous face (of a soul) which lays (on itself) rose colour (derived) from the fear of God that is in (men's) hearts?
آتش افتادن در شهر به ایام عمر
How a conflagration occurred in the city (Medina) in the days of ‘Umar, may God be well-pleased with him.
آتشی افتاد در عهد عمر ** همچو چوب خشک میخورد او حجر
A conflagration occurred in the time of ‘Umar: it was devouring stones as though they were dry wood.
در فتاد اندر بنا و خانهها ** تا زد اندر پر مرغ و لانهها
It fell upon buildings and houses, until (at last) it darted at the wings and nests of birds.
نیم شهر از شعلهها آتش گرفت ** آب میترسید از آن و میشگفت
Half the city caught fire from the flames: water was afraid of it (the fire) and amazed.
مشکهای آب و سرکه میزدند ** بر سر آتش کسان هوشمند3710
Some intelligent persons were throwing skins of water and vinegar on the fire,
آتش از استیزه افزون میشدی ** میرسید او را مدد از بیحدی
(But) out of spite (obstinacy) the fire was increasing: aid was coming to it from One who is infinite.
خلق آمد جانب عمر شتاب ** کاتش ما مینمیرد هیچ از آب
The people came in haste to ‘Umar, saying, “Our fire will not be quenched at all by water.”
گفت آن آتش ز آیات خداست ** شعلهای از آتش بخل شماست
He said, “That fire is one of God's signs: ’tis a flame from the fire of your avarice.