هیچ بیتاویل این را در پذیر ** تا در آید در گلو چون شهد و شیر
Accept this (saying) without any (perverse) interpretation, that it may come into your throat (as agreeably) as honey and milk.
ز آن که تاویل است وا داد عطا ** چون که بیند آن حقیقت را خطا
Because interpretation (alteration of the meaning) is a rejection of the gift, since he (the interpreter) regards that real (original) meaning as faulty.
آن خطا دیدن ز ضعف عقل اوست ** عقل کل مغز است و عقل جزو پوست
The view that it is faulty arises from the weakness of his understanding: Universal Reason is the kernel, and the particular reason is (like) the rind.
خویش را تاویل کن نه اخبار را ** مغز را بد گوی نی گلزار را
Alter yourself, not the Traditions (of the Prophet): abuse your (dull) brain, not the rose garden (the true sense which you cannot apprehend).
ای علی که جمله عقل و دیدهای ** شمه ای واگو از آن چه دیدهای3745
“O ‘Alí, thou who art all mind and eye, relate a little of that which thou hast seen!
تیغ حلمت جان ما را چاک کرد ** آب علمت خاک ما را پاک کرد
The sword of thy forbearance hath rent my soul, the water of thy knowledge hath purified my earth.
باز گو دانم که این اسرار هوست ** ز آن که بیشمشیر کشتن کار اوست
Tell it forth! I know that these are His (God's) mysteries, because ’tis His work (way) to kill without sword.
صانع بیآلت و بیجارحه ** واهب این هدیههای رابحه
He that works without tools and without limbs, He that bestows these profitable gifts,
صد هزاران میچشاند هوش را ** که خبر نبود دو چشم و گوش را
Causes the intelligence to taste myriads of wines in such wise that eyes and ears are unaware.
باز گو ای باز عرش خوش شکار ** تا چه دیدی این زمان از کردگار3750
Tell it forth, O falcon of the empyrean that findest goodly prey, that (I may know) what thou hast seen at this time from the Maker.
چشم تو ادراک غیب آموخته ** چشمهای حاضران بر دوخته
Thine eye has learned to perceive the Unseen, (while) the eyes of bystanders are sealed.”
آن یکی ماهی همیبیند عیان ** و آن یکی تاریک میبیند جهان
One man is beholding a moon plainly, while another sees the world dark,
و آن یکی سه ماه میبیند به هم ** این سه کس بنشسته یک موضع نعم
And another beholds three moons together. These three persons (beholders) are seated in one place, yea (verily).
چشم هر سه باز و گوش هر سه تیز ** در تو آویزان و از من در گریز
The eyes of all three are open, and the ears of all three are sharp (attentive); (they are) fastened on thee and in flight from me.
سحر عین است این عجب لطف خفی است ** بر تو نقش گرگ و بر من یوسفی است3755
Is this an enchantment of the eye? (Or) is it a marvellous hidden grace? On thee is the form of the wolf, and on me is the quality (beauty) of Joseph.
عالم ار هجده هزار است و فزون ** هر نظر را نیست این هجده زبون
If the worlds are eighteen thousand and more, these eighteen (thousand) are not subject (accessible) to every eye.
راز بگشا ای علی مرتضی ** ای پس سوء القضاء حسن القضاء
“Reveal the mystery, O ‘Alí, thou who art approved (by God), O thou who art (like) the goodliness of a wide expanse after (the oppressive confinement of) evil fate.
یا تو واگو آن چه عقلت یافته ست ** یا بگویم آن چه بر من تافته ست
Either do thou declare that which thy reason hath found, or I will tell that which hath shone forth on me.
از تو بر من تافت چون داری نهان ** میفشانی نور چون مه بیزبان
From thee it shone forth on me: how shouldst thou hide it? Without tongue thou art scattering light, like the moon.
لیک اگر در گفت آید قرص ماه ** شب روان را زودتر آرد به راه3760
But if the moon's orb come to speech, it more quickly leads the night-travellers into the (right) way.
از غلط ایمن شوند و از ذهول ** بانگ مه غالب شود بر بانگ غول
They become safe from error and heedlessness: the voice of the moon prevails over the voice of the ghoul.
ماه بیگفتن چو باشد رهنما ** چون بگوید شد ضیا اندر ضیا
Inasmuch as the moon (even) without speech is showing the way, when it speaks it becomes light upon light.
چون تو بابی آن مدینهی علم را ** چون شعاعی آفتاب حلم را
Since thou art the gate of the city of Knowledge, since thou art the beams of the sun of Clemency,
باز باش ای باب بر جویای باب ** تا رسد از تو قشور اندر لباب
Be open, O Gate, to him that seeks the gate, so that by means of thee the husks may reach the core.
باز باش ای باب رحمت تا ابد ** بارگاه ما له کفوا أحد3765
Be open unto everlasting, O Gate of Mercy, O Entrance-hall to None is like unto Him.”