این جسد خانهی حسد آمد بدان ** از حسد آلوده باشد خاندان
This body, you must know, is the house of envy, for the household are tainted with envy.
گر جسد خانهی حسد باشد و لیک ** آن جسد را پاک کرد الله نیک
If the body is the house of envy, yet God made that body very pure.
طهرا بيتي بیان پاکی است ** گنج نور است ار طلسمش خاکی است
(The text) Cleanse My house, ye twain, is the explanation of (such) purity: it (the purified heart) is a treasure of (Divine) light, though its talisman is of earth.
چون کنی بر بیجسد مکر و حسد ** ز آن حسد دل را سیاهیها رسد435
When you practise deceit and envy against one who is without envy, from that envy black stain arise in your heart.
خاک شو مردان حق را زیر پا ** خاک بر سر کن حسد را همچو ما
Become (as) dust under the feet of the men of God; throw dust on the head of envy, even as we do.
بیان حسد وزیر
Explanation of the envy of the vizier.
آن وزیرک از حسد بودش نژاد ** تا به باطل گوش و بینی باد داد
That petty vizier had his origin from envy, so that for vanity he gave to the wind (sacrificed) his ears and nose,
بر امید آن که از نیش حسد ** زهر او در جان مسکینان رسد
In the hope that by the sting of envy his venom might enter the souls of the poor (Christians).
هر کسی کاو از حسد بینی کند ** خویشتن بیگوش و بیبینی کند
Any one who from envy mutilates his nose makes himself without ear and without nose (unable to apprehend spiritual things).
بینی آن باشد که او بویی برد ** بوی او را جانب کویی برد440
The nose is that which catches a scent, and which the scent leads towards an abode (of spiritual truth).
هر که بویش نیست بیبینی بود ** بوی آن بوی است کان دینی بود
Whoever hath no scent is without a nose; the scent (referred to) is that scent which is religious.
چون که بویی برد و شکر آن نکرد ** کفر نعمت آمد و بینیش خورد
When he has caught a scent and given no thanks for it, (that) ingratitude comes and devours his nose (deprives him of the organ of spiritual perception).
شکر کن مر شاکران را بنده باش ** پیش ایشان مرده شو پاینده باش
Give thanks (to God) and be a slave to those who give thanks: be in their presence (as one) dead, be steadfast.
چون وزیر از ره زنی مایه مساز ** خلق را تو بر میاور از نماز
Do not, like the vizier, make brigandage your stock-in-trade; do not turn the people away from the ritual prayer.
ناصح دین گشته آن کافر وزیر ** کرده او از مکر در لوزینه سیر445
The miscreant vizier had become (in appearance) a true religious counsellor, (but) he had craftily put garlic in the walnut cake.
فهم کردن حاذقان نصارا مکر وزیر را
How the sagacious among the Christians perceived the guile of the vizier.
هر که صاحب ذوق بود از گفت او ** لذتی میدید و تلخی جفت او
Whoever was possessed of (spiritual) discernment was feeling a sweet savour in his words and, joined therewith, bitterness.
نکتهها میگفت او آمیخته ** در جلاب قند زهری ریخته
He (the vizier) was saying fine things mixed (with foul): he had poured some poison into the sugared julep.
ظاهرش میگفت در ره چیست شو ** وز اثر میگفت جان را سست شو
The outward sense of it was saying, “Be diligent in the Way,” but in effect it was saying to the soul, “Be slack.”
ظاهر نقره گر اسپید است و نو ** دست و جامه می سیه گردد ازو
If the surface of silver is white and new, (yet) the hands and dress are blackened by it.
آتش ار چه سرخ روی است از شرر ** تو ز فعل او سیه کاری نگر450
Although fire is red-faced (bright and glorious) with sparks, look at the black behaviour (displayed) in its action.
برق اگر نوری نماید در نظر ** لیک هست از خاصیت دزد بصر
If the lightning appears luminous to the eye, (yet) from its distinctive property it is the robber of sight (it strikes men blind).
هر که جز آگاه و صاحب ذوق بود ** گفت او در گردن او طوق بود
(As for) any (Christian) who was not wary and possessed of discernment, the words of him (the vizier) were (as) a collar on his neck.
مدت شش سال در هجران شاه ** شد وزیر اتباع عیسی را پناه
During six years, in separation from the king, the vizier became a refuge for the followers of Jesus.
دین و دل را کل بدو بسپرد خلق ** پیش امر و حکم او میمرد خلق
To him the people wholly surrendered their religion and their hearts: at his command and decree they were ready to die.
پیغام شاه پنهان با وزیر
How the king sent messages in secret to the vizier.
در میان شاه و او پیغامها ** شاه را پنهان بدو آرامها455
Messages (passed) between the king and him: the king had words of comfort from him in secret.
پیش او بنوشت شه کای مقبلم ** وقت آمد زود فارغ کن دلم
The king wrote to him, saying, “O my fortunate one, the time is come: quickly set my mind at ease.”