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  • حکم‌‌های هر یکی نوعی دگر ** این خلاف آن ز پایان تا به سر
  • The ordinances of each (of) a diverse kind, this contradicting that from the end to the beginning.
  • در یکی راه ریاضت را و جوع ** رکن توبه کرده و شرط رجوع‌‌ 465
  • In one he made the path of asceticism and hunger to be the basis of repentance and the condition (necessary) for conversion.
  • در یکی گفته ریاضت سود نیست ** اندر این ره مخلصی جز جود نیست‌‌
  • In one he said: “Asceticism profits naught: in this Way there is no place (means) of deliverance but generosity.”
  • در یکی گفته که جوع و جود تو ** شرک باشد از تو با معبود تو
  • In one he said: “Your hunger and generosity are (imply) association on your part (of other objects) with (Him who is) the object of your worship.
  • جز توکل جز که تسلیم تمام ** در غم و راحت همه مکر است و دام‌‌
  • Excepting trust (in God) and complete resignation in sorrow and joy, all is a deceit and snare.”
  • در یکی گفته که واجب خدمت است ** ور نه اندیشه‌‌ی توکل تهمت است‌‌
  • In one he said: “It is incumbent (on you) to serve (God); else the thought of putting trust (in Him) is (a cause of) suspicion.”
  • در یکی گفته که امر و نهیهاست ** بهر کردن نیست شرح عجز ماست‌‌ 470
  • In one he said: “There are (Divine) commands and prohibitions, (but they) are not for practice (observance): they are (only) to show our weakness (inability to fulfil them),
  • تا که عجز خود ببینیم اندر آن ** قدرت حق را بدانیم آن زمان‌‌
  • So that we may behold our weakness therein and at that time recognise the power of Him.”
  • در یکی گفته که عجز خود مبین ** کفر نعمت کردن است آن عجز هین‌‌
  • In one he said: “Do not regard your weakness: that weakness is an act of ingratitude. Beware!
  • قدرت خود بین که این قدرت از اوست ** قدرت تو نعمت او دان که هوست‌‌
  • Regard your power, for this power is from Him: know that your power is the gift of Him who is Hú (the Absolute God).”
  • در یکی گفته کز این دو بر گذر ** بت بود هر چه بگنجد در نظر
  • In one he said: “Leave both these (qualities) behind: whatsoever is contained in sight (regard for other than God) is an idol (something which involves dualism).”
  • در یکی گفته مکش این شمع را ** کین نظر چون شمع آمد جمع را 475
  • In one he said: “Do not put out this candle (of sight), for this sight is as a candle (lighting the way) to (interior) concentration.
  • از نظر چون بگذری و از خیال ** کشته باشی نیم شب شمع وصال‌‌
  • When you relinquish sight and phantasy (too soon), you will have put out the candle of union at midnight.”
  • در یکی گفته بکش باکی مدار ** تا عوض بینی نظر را صد هزار
  • In one he said: “Put it out—have no fear—that you may see myriads of sights in exchange;
  • که ز کشتن شمع جان افزون شود ** لیلی‌‌ات از صبر تو مجنون شود
  • For by putting it out the candle of the spirit is increased: by your self-denial your Laylá (beloved) becomes your Majnún (lover).
  • ترک دنیا هر که کرد از زهد خویش ** بیش آید پیش او دنیا و پیش‌‌
  • If any one abandons the world by his own (act of) renunciation, the world comes to him (with homage) more and more.”
  • در یکی گفته که آن چه‌‌ت داد حق ** بر تو شیرین کرد در ایجاد حق‌‌ 480
  • In one he said: “That which God hath given you He made sweet to you in (at the time of) bringing it into existence.
  • بر تو آسان کرد و خوش آن را بگیر ** خویشتن را در میفگن در زحیر
  • He made it easy (blessed) to you, and do you take it gladly: do not throw yourself into anguish.”
  • در یکی گفته که بگذار آن خود ** کان قبول طبع تو ردست و بد
  • In one he said: “Let go all that belongs to self, for it is wrong and bad to comply with your nature.”
  • راههای مختلف آسان شده ست ** هر یکی را ملتی چون جان شده ست‌‌
  • (Many) different roads have become easy (to follow): every one's religion has become (to him) as (dear) as life.
  • گر میسر کردن حق ره بدی ** هر جهود و گبر از او آگه بدی‌‌
  • If God's making (religion) easy were the (right) road, every Jew and Zoroastrian would have knowledge of Him.
  • در یکی گفته میسر آن بود ** که حیات دل غذای جان بود 485
  • In one he said: “That (alone) is made easy (blessed) that (nothing but) spiritual food should be the life of the heart.”
  • هر چه ذوق طبع باشد چون گذشت ** بر نیارد همچو شوره ریع و کشت‌‌
  • When the enjoyments of the (sensual) nature are past, like brackish soil they raise no produce and crop.
  • جز پشیمانی نباشد ریع او ** جز خسارت پیش نارد بیع او
  • The produce thereof is naught but penitence; the sale thereof yields only loss.
  • آن میسر نبود اندر عاقبت ** نام او باشد معسر عاقبت‌‌
  • That is not “easy” in the end; its (true) name ultimately is “hard.”