نام احمد این چنین یاری کند ** تا که نورش چون نگهداری کند
The Name of Ahmad gives such help as this, so that (one may judge) how his Light keeps guard (over his followers).
نام احمد چون حصاری شد حصین ** تا چه باشد ذات آن روح الامین
Since the Name of Ahmad became (to the Christians) an impregnable fortress, what then must be the Essence of that trusted Spirit?
حکایت پادشاه جهود دیگر که در هلاک دین عیسی سعی نمود
The story of another Jewish king who endeavored to destroy the religion of Jesus.
بعد از این خون ریز درمان ناپذیر ** کاندر افتاد از بلای آن وزیر
After this irremediable bloodshed which befell through the affliction (brought upon the Christians) by the vizier,
یک شه دیگر ز نسل آن جهود ** در هلاک قوم عیسی رو نمود740
Another king, of the progeny of that Jew, addressed himself to the destruction of the people of Jesus.
گر خبر خواهی از این دیگر خروج ** سوره بر خوان و السما ذات البروج
If you desire information about this second outbreak, read the chapter of the Qur’án (beginning): By Heaven which hath the (zodiacal) signs.
سنت بد کز شه اول بزاد ** این شه دیگر قدم بر وی نهاد
This second king set foot in the evil way that was originated by the former king.
هر که او بنهاد ناخوش سنتی ** سوی او نفرین رود هر ساعتی
Whosoever establishes an evil way (practice), towards him goes malediction every hour.
نیکوان رفتند و سنتها بماند ** وز لئیمان ظلم و لعنتها بماند
The righteous departed and their ways remained, and from the vile there remained (nothing but) injustice and execrations.
تا قیامت هر که جنس آن بدان ** در وجود آید بود رویش بدان745
Until the Resurrection, the face of every congener of those wicked men who comes into existence is turned towards that one (who belongs to his own kind).
رگ رگ است این آب شیرین و آب شور ** در خلایق میرود تا نفخ صور
Vein by vein is this sweet water and bitter water, flowing in (God's) creatures until the blast of the trumpet (at the Resurrection).
نیکوان را هست میراث از خوشآب ** آن چه میراث است أورثنا الکتاب
To the righteous is the inheritance of the sweet water. What is that inheritance? We have caused (those of Our servants whom We have chosen) to inherit the Book.
شد نیاز طالبان ار بنگری ** شعلهها از گوهر پیغمبری
If you will consider, the supplications of the seekers (of God) are rays (proceeding) from the substance of prophethood.
شعلهها با گوهران گردان بود ** شعله آن جانب رود هم کان بود
The rays are circling with the substances (whence they spring): the ray goes (ultimately) in the direction where that (substance) is.
نور روزن گرد خانه میدود ** ز آنکه خور برجی به برجی میرود750
The window-gleam runs round the house, because the sun goes from sign to sign of the zodiac.
هر که را با اختری پیوستگی است ** مر و را با اختر خود هم تگی است
Any one who has affinity with a star (planet) has a concurrence (of qualities) with his star.
طالعش گر زهره باشد در طرب ** میل کلی دارد و عشق و طلب
If his ascendant star be Venus, his whole inclination and love and desire is for joy;
ور بود مریخی خونریز خو ** جنگ و بهتان و خصومت جوید او
And if he be one born under Mars, one whose nature is to shed blood, he seeks war and malignity and enmity.
اخترانند از ورای اختران ** که احتراق و نحس نبود اندر آن
Beyond the (material) stars are stars in which is no conflagration or sinister aspect,
سایران در آسمانهای دگر ** غیر این هفت آسمان معتبر755
(Stars) moving in other heavens, not these seven heavens (which are) held in high regard,
راسخان در تاب انوار خدا ** نی بهم پیوسته نی از هم جدا
(Stars) immanent in the radiance of the light of God, neither joined to each other nor separate from each other.
هر که باشد طالع او ز آن نجوم ** نفس او کفار سوزد در رجوم
When any one's ascendant (fortune) is from those stars, his soul burns the infidels in driving (them) off.
خشم مریخی نباشد خشم او ** منقلب رو غالب و مغلوب خو
His anger is not (like) the anger of the man born under Mars—going upside down, and of such nature that it is (now) dominant and (now) dominated.
نور غالب ایمن از نقص و غسق ** در میان اصبعین نور حق
The dominant light (of the saints) is secure from defect and dimness between the two fingers of the Light of God.
حق فشاند آن نور را بر جانها ** مقبلان برداشته دامانها760
God hath scattered that light over (all) spirits, (but only) the fortunate have held up their skirts (to receive it);
و آن نثار نور را وایافته ** روی از غیر خدا بر تافته
And he (that is fortunate), having gained that strown largesse of light, has turned his face away from all except God.