گرگ ظاهر گرد یوسف خود نگشت ** این حسد در فعل از گرگان گذشت
The outward (visible) wolf, indeed, did not prowl about (approach) Joseph; (but) this envy has actually surpassed wolves (in malignity).
رحم کرد این گرگ و ز عذر لبق ** آمده که إنا ذهبنا نستبق1410
This (visible) wolf took pity (on Joseph), and by way of specious excuse came (the words), “Lo, we went to compete with one another.”
صد هزاران گرگ را این مکر نیست ** عاقبت رسوا شود این گرگ بیست
Hundreds of thousands of wolves have not this cunning; (but) this wolf will at last be put to shame—stop (and see)!—
ز انکه حشر حاسدان روز گزند ** بیگمان بر صورت گرگان کنند
Because on the Day of Bale the envious will without doubt be (raised from the dead and) brought together (to Judgement) in the shape of wolves.
حشر پر حرص خس مردار خوار ** صورت خوکی بود روز شمار
The resurrection of the greedy vile eater of carrion (unlawful food) will be in the shape of a hog on the Day of Reckoning.
زانیان را گند اندام نهان ** خمر خواران را بود گند دهان
Adulteris (erit) foetor membri latentis; wine-drinkers will have stinking mouths. [Adulturers (will) have stinking private members; wine-drinkers will have stinking mouths.]
گند مخفی کان به دلها میرسید ** گشت اندر حشر محسوس و پدید1415
The hidden stench that was reaching (only) to (people's) hearts will become sensible and manifest at the Resurrection.
بیشهای آمد وجود آدمی ** بر حذر شو زین وجود ار ز آن دمی
The being of Man is a jungle: be on your guard against this being, if you are of that (Divine) Breath.
در وجود ما هزاران گرگ و خوک ** صالح و ناصالح و خوب و خشوک
In our being there are thousands of wolves and hogs; (there is) goodly and ungodly and fair and foul.
حکم آن خور است کان غالبتر است ** چون که زر بیش از مس آید آن زر است
To the disposition that is preponderant belongs the decision (as to what you are): when the gold is more than the copper, it (the mixture) is gold.
سیرتی کان بر وجودت غالب است ** هم بر آن تصویر حشرت واجب است
The manner of acting that preponderates in your nature—in that same form you must needs rise (from the dead).
ساعتی گرگی در آید در بشر ** ساعتی یوسف رخی همچون قمر1420
At one hour a wolf enters into Man, at another hour a moon-like beauty with the face of Joseph.
میرود از سینهها در سینهها ** از ره پنهان صلاح و کینهها
Good and hateful qualities pass from bosoms into bosoms by a hidden way;
بلکه خود از آدمی در گاو و خر ** میرود دانایی و علم و هنر
Nay, indeed, wisdom and knowledge and excellence pass from Man into the ox and the ass.
اسب سکسک میشود رهواار و رام **. خرس بازی میکند بز هم سلام
The stumbling (restive) horse becomes smooth-paced and docile; the bear dances, the goat also salaams.
رفت اندر سگ ز آدمیان هوس ** تا شبان شد یا شکاری یا حرس
Volition has passed from human beings into the dog, so that he has become a shepherd or a hunter or a guardian (of the house).
در سگ اصحاب خوبی ز ان وفود ** رفت تا جویای الله گشته بود1425
Into the dog of the Companions (of the Cave) there passed from those comers (to the Cave) a (moral) disposition, so that he had become a seeker of God.
هر زمان در سینه نوعی سر کند ** گاه دیو و گه ملک گه دام و دد
At every moment a (different) species bursts up in the breast: now a devil, and now an angel, now wild beasts.
ز آن عجب بیشه که شیر آگه است ** تا به دام سینهها پنهان ره است
From that marvellous jungle, where is (dwells) the wise Lion, there is a hidden way to the breasts which ensnare (the spiritual prey).
دزدیی کن از درون مرجان جان ** ای کم از سگ از درون عارفان
O you who are less than a dog, steal the spiritual pearl from within—from within (the breasts of) them that know God.
چون که دزدی باری آن در لطیف ** چون که حامل میشوی باری شریف
As you (must) steal, at any rate (let it be) that lovely pearl; as you are going to bear a burden, at any rate (let it be) a noble one.
فهم کردن مریدان که ذو النون دیوانه نشده است قاصد کرده است
How the disciples understood that Dhu ’l-Nún had not become mad, (but) had acted with intention.
دوستان در قصهی ذو النون شدند ** سوی زندان و در آن رایی زدند1430
The friends went to the prison (to inquire) about the story of Dhu ’l-Nún, and expressed an opinion concerning it,
کاین مگر قاصد کند یا حکمتی است ** او در این دین قبلهای و آیتی است
Saying, “Perchance he does this purposely, or there is some (deep) wisdom (in it): he is an exemplar and a shining light in this religion.
دور دور از عقل چون دریای او ** تا جنون باشد سفه فرمای او
Far, far be it from his sea-like (profound) intelligence that madness should prompt him to folly!
حاش لله از کمال جاه او ** کابر بیماری بپوشد ماه او
God forbid, in view of the perfection of his (spiritual) attainments, that the cloud of sickness should cover his moon!