هرکجا امر قدم را مسلکیست ** زندگی و مردگی پیشش یکیست
- Wheresoever the Eternal Command takes its course, living and dying are one to him.
بهر یزدان میزید نه بهر گنج ** بهر یزدان میمرد نه از خوف رنج 1910
- He lives for God's sake, not for riches; he dies for God's sake, not from fear of pain.
هست ایمانش برای خواست او ** نه برای جنت و اشجار و جو
- His faith is (held) for the sake of (doing) His will, not for the sake of Paradise and its trees and streams.
ترک کفرش هم برای حق بود ** نه ز بیم آنک در آتش رود
- His abandonment of infidelity is also for God's sake, not for fear lest he go into the Fire.
این چنین آمد ز اصل آن خوی او ** نه ریاضت نه بجست و جوی او
- That disposition of his is like this originally: it is not (acquired by) discipline or by his effort and endeavour.
آنگهان خندد که او بیند رضا ** همچو حلوای شکر او را قضا
- He laughs at the moment when he sees (the Divine) pleasure: to him Destiny is even as sugared sweetmeat.”
بندهای کش خوی و خلقت این بود ** نه جهان بر امر و فرمانش رود 1915
- The servant (of God) whose disposition and character is (like) this—does not the world move according to his command and behest?
پس چرا لابه کند او یا دعا ** که بگردان ای خداوند این قضا
- Then why should he make entreaty and cry in prayer, “O God, avert this destiny”?
مرگ او و مرگ فرزندان او ** بهر حق پیشش چو حلوا در گلو
- For God's sake his (own) death and the death of his children is to him like sweetmeat in the gullet.
نزع فرزندان بر آن باوفا ** چون قطایف پیش شیخ بینوا
- To that loyal one the death-agony of his children is like honey-cakes to a destitute old man.
پس چراگوید دعا الا مگر ** در دعا بیند رضای دادگر
- Why, then, should he invoke (God), unless perchance he see the pleasure of the (Divine) Judge in (such) invocation?
آن شفاعت و آن دعا نه از رحم خود ** میکند آن بندهی صاحب رشد 1920
- That righteous servant does not make that intercession and invocation from his own mercifulness.
رحم خود را او همان دم سوختست ** که چراغ عشق حق افروختست
- He has burned up (consumed away) his own mercifulness at the moment when he has lighted the lamp of love of God.
دوزخ اوصاف او عشقست و او ** سوخت مر اوصاف خود را مو بمو
- Love is the Hell-fire of his attributes, and it has burnt up the attributes of self, hair by hair.
هر طروقی این فروقی کی شناخت ** جز دقوقی تا درین دولت بتاخت
- When did any night-traveller understand this distinction except Daqúqí? (He understood it), so that he sped into this (spiritual) empire.
قصهی دقوقی رحمة الله علیه و کراماتش
- The story of Daqúqí and his miraculous gifts.
آن دقوقی داشت خوش دیباجهای ** عاشق و صاحب کرامت خواجهای
- That Daqúqí had a fair front; he was a (spiritual) lord who loved (God) and possessed miraculous gifts.
در زمین میشد چو مه بر آسمان ** شبروان راگشته زو روشن روان 1925
- He walked on earth as the moon in heaven: by him the spirits of the night-travellers became illumined.
در مقامی مسکنی کم ساختی ** کم دو روز اندر دهی انداختی
- He would not make his abode in any one place, he would not spend two days in a village.
گفت در یک خانه گر باشم دو روز ** عشق آن مسکن کند در من فروز
- He said, “If I stay two days in one house, love of that dwelling-place is kindled in me.
غرة المسکن احاذره انا ** انقلی یا نفس سیری للغنا
- I am afraid of being beguiled by the dwelling-place: migrate, O my soul, and travel to independence.
لا اعود خلق قلبی بالمکان ** کی یکون خالصا فی الامتحان
- I will not accustom my heart's nature to locality, (and I do this) in order that it may be pure in the (hour of) trial.”
روز اندر سیر بد شب در نماز ** چشم اندر شاه باز او همچو باز 1930
- During the day he was (engaged) in travel, during the night in ritual prayer: his eye (was) open on the King, and he (himself was) like the falcon.
منقطع از خلق نه از بد خوی ** منفرد از مرد و زن نه از دوی
- (He was) severed from the creatures (of God), (but) not on account of ill nature; isolated from man and woman, (but) not because of dualism.
مشفقی خلق و نافع همچو آب ** خوش شفعیی و دعااش مستجاب
- A compassionate man to the creatures and beneficial (to them) as water; a goodly intercessor, and his prayers were answered.
نیک و بد را مهربان و مستقر ** بهتر از مادر شهیتر از پدر
- (He was) kind to the good and the bad, and a sure refuge (for them); (he was) better than a mother, dearer than a father.