کار ازین ویران شدست ای مرد خام ** که بشر دیدی مر ایشان را چو عام
You have come to ruin, O foolish man, because like the vulgar you regarded them as human beings.
تو همان دیدی که ابلیس لعین ** گفت من از آتشم آدم ز طین
You have regarded (them) in the same way as the accursed Iblís (regarded Adam): he said, “I am of fire, (while) Adam is of earth.”
چشم ابلیسانه را یک دم ببند ** چند بینی صورت آخر چند چند2300
Bandage your Satanic eye for one moment: how long, pray, will you regard the (external) form? How long, how long?
ای دقوقی با دو چشم همچو جو ** هین مبر اومید ایشان را بجو
O Daqúqí with (thy) streaming eyes, come, do not abandon hope: seek them!
هین بجو که رکن دولت جستن است ** هر گشادی در دل اندر بستن است
Come, seek (them), for search is the pillar (foundation) of fortune: every success consists in (depends on) fixing the heart (upon the object of desire).
از همه کار جهان پرداخته ** کو و کو میگو بجان چون فاخته
Unconcerned with all the business of the world, keep saying with (all) thy soul kú, kú, like the dove.
نیک بنگر اندرین ای محتجب ** که دعا را بست حق در استجب
Consider this well, O thou who art veiled (by worldliness), that God hath tied “invocation” to “I will answer.”
هر که را دل پاک شد از اعتلال ** آن دعااش میرود تا ذوالجلال2305
Whosoever's heart is purged of infirmity, his invocation will go unto the Lord of glory.
باز شرح کردن حکایت آن طالب روزی حلال بی کسب و رنج در عهد داود علیه السلام و مستجاب شدن دعای او
Explaining further the story of him who in the time of David, on whom be peace, sought to receive (from God) lawful means of livelihood without working or taking trouble, and how his prayer was answered favourably.
یادم آمد آن حکایت کان فقیر ** روز و شب میکرد افغان و نفیر
The story has come into my mind how that poor man used to moan and lament day and night,
وز خدا میخواست روزی حلال ** بی شکار و رنج و کسب و انتقال
And beg of God a lawful means of livelihood without pursuit and trouble and work and movement (from one place to another).
پیش ازین گفتیم بعضی حال او ** لیک تعویق آمد و شد پنجتو
We have formerly related a part of what happened to him, but hindrance intervened and became fivefold.
هم بگوییمش کجا خواهد گریخت ** چون ز ابر فضل حق حکمت بریخت
(Now) too we shall tell( the rest of) it. Whither will it (the story) flee, since wisdom has poured (on us) from the clouds of God’s bounty?
صاحب گاوش بدید و گفت هین ** ای بظلمت گاو من گشته رهین2310
The owner of the cow espied him and said “Hey, O you to whose unrighteousness my cow has fallen a prey,
هین چراکشتی بگو گاو مرا ** ابله طرار انصاف اندر آ
Hey, tell (me) why did you kill my cow? Fool! Cutpurse! Deal fairly (with me).”
گفت من روزی ز حق میخواستم ** قبله را از لابه میآراستم
He said, “I was begging God for daily bread and preparing aqibla(for myself) of supplication.
آن دعای کهنهام شد مستجاب ** روزی من بود کشتم نک جواب
That ancient prayer of mine was answered (by God). She (the cow) was my portion of daily bread: I killed her. Behold the answer (to your question)!”
او ز خشم آمد گریبانش گرفت ** چند مشتی زد به رویش ناشکفت
He (the owner of the cow) came angrily and seized his collar; having lost patience, he struck him in the face with his fist several times.
رفتن هر دو خصم نزد داود علیه السلام
How both the adversaries went to David, on whom be peace.
میکشیدش تا به داود نبی ** که بیا ای ظالم گیج غبی2315
He led him to the Prophet David, saying, “Come, O you crazy fool and criminal!
حجت بارد رها کن ای دغا ** عقل در تن آور و با خویش آ
Drop (this) silly argument, O impostor; let (some) intelligence into your body and come to your senses!
این چه میگویی دعا چه بود مخند ** بر سر و و ریش من و خویش ای لوند
What is this that you are saying? What is the prayer (you speak of)? Do not laugh at my head and beard and your own (too), O scoundrel!”
گفت من با حق دعاها کردهام ** اندرین لابه بسی خون خوردهام
He (the poor man) said, “I have offered (many) prayers to God, I have borne much toil and pain in this supplication.
من یقین دارم دعا شد مستجاب ** سر بزن بر سنگ ای منکرخطاب
I possess the certainty (that) the prayer has been answered. Dash your head against the stones, O foul-spoken one!”
گفت گرد آیید هین یا مسلمین ** ژاژ بینید و فشار این مهین2320
He cried, “Hey, gather round, O Moslems! Behold the drivel and raving of this imbecile!
ای مسلمانان دعا مال مرا ** چون از آن او کند بهر خدا
O Moslems, for God’s sake, how should prayer make my property belong to him?
گر چنین بودی همه عالم بدین ** یک دعا املاک بردندی بکین
If it were so, by means of a single prayer of this kind the whole world would carry off (one another’s) possessions by force.